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How to create a virtual disk

How to create a virtual disk. To use the virtual disk have resorted to many PC users. Reasons to use virtual disks can be many, so count them all just makes no sense. And the question now is completely different: how to create a virtual drive? (more…)

How to Create a Banner

How to quickly create a banner. Advertising today can be seen everywhere, without exception, is??and the World Wide Web. In this article we will try to answer the question how to create a banner, because he is one of the major types of Internet advertising. For this we need the knowledge of certain laws of Web design and specialized computer programs.

What is the operating system for a netbook is better?

Which operating system for NetBook is better? Netbooks are very popular due to their lightness and compactness. Of course, the power they yield valuable computers and its size, but the owners of netbooks it's not frustrating, because bought these "baby" is mostly for surfing the Internet. But due to the technical characteristics of the NetBook you can install any OS. Which operating system for NetBook can you come?
Which operating system for NetBook is better? Deciding which operating system for NetBook you more to your liking, you need to consider several factors. The first is the price. Is the OS paid, is free. Are you willing to shell out the extra money for the distribution of the operating system? Very important resursomìstkìst′ systems: netbooks are less hard drive and RAM, so the system should use resources rationally. In addition, the system must be adapted to the "filling" of the NetBook. (more…)

How to connect your iPhone to your computer?

How to connect iPhone to computer? In order to fully use all the functions of the Apple iPhone, it will have to be connected to a computer. And so it is, any new iPhone user, in the person of a schoolboy or even a president, at some point for the first time asks the question - How to connect an iPhone to a computer? The fact is that today almost all modern phones depend on a computer, because it helps to fill the device with the necessary multimedia content. I think that with the development of telecommunications, phones will become more independent and the need for such a connection will disappear.
Connect iPhone to your computer conducted through regular USB-cable that comes as standard phone. (more…)

How to create a server in minecraft

Якщо ви не знаєте як створити сервер minecraft, то відповідь на це питання ви зможете знайти в цій статті! Якщо ви знаєте як грати в minecraft, то у цій статті ми навчимо вас створювати сервер minecraft. Варто відзначити, що нічого складного в цьому в принципі немає, хоча тут є кілька своїх нюансів, про які ми вам докладно розповімо. Отже, зараз ми опишемо, простий спосіб як створити сервер minecraft на операційній системі Winodws. (more…)

12 major moments in 2012

For Microsoft last year was quite prolific, and the company has something to please readers. (more…)

Review of the best devices with Windows 8 for business

Рік, що минає, приніс на ринок цілу низку пристроїв, ідеальних для використання компаніями. Завдяки їм фірми зможуть значно підвищити мобільність своїх співробітників та безпеку своєї інформації і таким чином – ефективність. Мова йде про пристрої з Windows 8, яка на сьогодні є найкращою операційною системою для використання у мобільному режимі. (more…)

How to Install Windows 8? Help with installing Windows 8.

The process of installing the Windows 8 operating system is quite simple and, with the exception of a minor nuance, is no different from the same procedure using Windows 7. Actually, Microsoft developers have always sought to save their users from difficult settings. Thus, the company confidently won the popularity of its products among the vast majority of inexperienced users. By the way, the developers of linux-like systems followed the same path, because today, as a rule, the installation of Linux is practically no different. (more…)

Avast with databases of 5 December buggy? Internet stopped working.

It turned out that the problem of mass, avast bases of December 5, hlyuknuv (only on Win XP).

Avast false positive on some Russian operating systems Microsoft Windows XP.

December 5, 2012 revealed a false positive free avast!

Most developers have asked for forgiveness:
From individual developers apologize in current databases renovation avast! has removed a false positive on a system file TCPIP.sys.
Please consider the fact that if you avast worked 6 December after 14.00, and receive updates and you were online, you have gone online through no fault of antivirus Avast - contact your provider as a false positive was eliminated in the evening of the 5th of December (December 6 in the morning Moscow time).

Do you need help in solving this problem in Uzhgorod, Mukachevo, HUST, Tiachev, Rahov and large bullock? Call our specialist 380979661803 give you advice.