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How to get rid of Internet addiction?

How to get rid of Internet addiction? It turns out, is a real dependence on the Internet. Observe their behavior. If you are failing in the morning OK open your eyes and wash, first take your time to your laptop to rather read received e-mail messages or check your account on the social network, then you should not doubt: you've "hooked" on the Internet and have sufficient signs of addiction. (more…)

A video capture device and record. DVR

Video capture is a key point in video surveillance. And video capture and recording devices are the brain and heart of any video surveillance system. It is in these devices that video capture and recording of video data takes place. The quality of recorded video information, its volume, the extension of stored files, the number of connected cameras and much more depends on these devices. Video capture and sale of equipment for it is our specialty. Working with us, you get a number of advantages:

We have selected for you the best. The volume of devices that are supplied to the market, which allow you to capture video from a video surveillance camera and record data, is incredibly large. It is very difficult to choose what is better / worse. We choose the equipment that is optimal for the price/quality ratio, reliability, and functionality of the system.

Here you will find everything. You can buy DVRs, video capture cards of all types from us. Our devices allow you to capture video from the camera and record information directly to a personal computer, hard disk, SD card, etc. If you want to capture video and record from video surveillance cameras 24/7 or view saved information every day while transferring it from one place to another, choose the appropriate recording device and enjoy the operation of your video surveillance system.

The lowest prices. We work directly with the manufacturer of the devices we sell. We do not resell equipment, so if you are on our site, your search for the cheapest equipment has ended, you have already found what you were looking for. In addition, we directly participate in the creation of equipment and make sure that expensive, but unnecessary elements of the Nebilitsa are included in the element base of the system.

A high level of technical support. We are not interested in how long ago you bought equipment from us and whether you bought it from us at all. We are always happy to answer any technical questions. As for the equipment purchased from us, here you can be sure that after buying, you will not be alone with problems. We will definitely help you at all stages of building and setting up your video surveillance system. (more…)

Камери відеоспостереження

Камера відеоспостереження ключовий елемент будь-якої системи спостереження. Від камери спостереження залежить кольоровість, місце розташування і те, як далеко і наскільки чітко Ви зможете побачити, що відбувається перед камерою. Відеокамери спостереження – це очі системи відеоспостереження. І як Ви розумієте чим краще зір тим більше Ви зможете побачити. Наша компанія – один з провідних постачальників камер на вітчизняний ринок. Купуючи камери стеження у нас, Ви отримуєте цілий ряд переваг:

For you, we have selected the best. З усього спектра пропонованого обладнання на світовому ринку, ми відібрали найкращі відеокамери спостереження. Заявлені характеристики будь-якої нашої камери відеоспостереження повністю відповідають реальним. Ми не намагаємося ввести Вас в оману завищеними параметрами, ми продаємо виключно якісні камери спостереження. Гарантія тому – ми самі монтуємо продаються нами відеокамери спостереження, і даємо гарантію як устаткування так і на монтаж.

The range offered by us is incredibly broad. Ми пропонуємо камери відеоспостереження всіх видів: вуличні, купольні, бездротові, IP камери стеження і т.д. Ми підбираємо камери спостереження різних типів спеціально для того, щоб не обмежувати наших клієнтів у виборі. Ми пропонуємо на стільки широкий асортимент, що вибір камери стеження не обмежується тільки технічними характеристиками, Ви також можете підібрати камеру і по дизайну. (more…)

Video surveillance of Uzhgorod.

Nowadays, security video surveillance is the most popular technical means of security in the world. The organization of video surveillance significantly reduces the chances of unauthorized access to the facility. The video surveillance system has a structure that includes video cameras, a recording device (video recorder) and playback (monitor). The task of the camera is to capture the surrounding area and transmit video images to the recording device, which, in turn, records what is happening and outputs the video from the cameras directly to the monitor. All security video surveillance systems are divided into two types: wired and wireless. The application of one or another technology depends on the features of the object. Video surveillance systems are also divided into analog and digital. Digital surveillance is many times better than analog, but eventually the prices of digital video surveillance systems will be higher. With the help of such a security system, you can secure almost every object: (more…)

How to switch graphics card on a laptop

Quite often you can meet the mobile PCs are equipped with a pair of video cards. They are not together, and one by one. In this article we will describe how to change the graphics card on a laptop and in which cases it is needed. (more…)

How to restart your computer

At first glance it does not restart the computer consists of a big deal. (more…)

How to operate the laptop

How to use a laptop. And Yes, you finally bought a laptop and want to see it worked for as long as possible. Practice shows that in most cases the cause of failures is an incorrect operation. Below are recommendations how to use a laptop. (more…)

How to get rid of the OS selection menu at boot

To remove one operating system selection menu to load the system to edit the boot.ini file located in the root of the C drive and a systemic (and therefore hidden) attribute. (more…)

How to return a lost cell phone

How to return the phone. Modern smartphones provide plenty of opportunities to find the missing device or punish the thief.
For the past month I lost three "mobile". Knowing how I am talented in this case, buying cheap devices. So called – to lose so not too bad. (more…)