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List of shortcuts in Windows 7 and XP, keyboard shortcuts

List of keyboard shortcuts, and their combination in Windows 7 and XP, combination of shortcuts.

List of keyboard shortcuts in Windows

CTRL C: Copy
CTRL V: вставка
CTRL Z: undo
DELETE: delete
SHIFT DELETE: delete the selected item permanently without placing it in the cart
CTRL and dragging of an object: copying selected object
CTRL SHIFT with drag and drop an object: create a shortcut to the selected item
Key F2: rename the selected object
CTRL RIGHT ARROW: Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next word
CTRL LEFT ARROW: Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous word
CTRL DOWN ARROW: Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next paragraph
CTRL Up arrow: Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous paragraph
CTRL SHIFT arrow keys: the selection of the text
SHIFT arrow keys: Selects multiple objects in a window or on the desktop and select text in a document
CTRL A: Select all the document
Key F3: search for a file or folder
ALT ENTER: View the properties of the selected object
ALT F4: Close the active window or the active program
ALT ENTER: View the properties of the selected object
ALT SPACE: Call the context menu of the active window
CTRL F4: Close the active document in programs which can be simultaneously open multiple documents
ALT TAB: switch between open objects
ALT ESC: Browsing objects in the order in which they were opened
Key F6: rotation of churches viewing interface elements in a window or on the desktop
Key F4: display the addresses in your "My Computer" or Windows Explorer in the browser
SHIFT F10: call the context menu for the selected item
ALT SPACE: Challenge the System menu for the active window
CTRL ESC: call the menu "Start"
ALT underlined letter in the menu name: call the appropriate menu
Underlined letter in a command name open the menu: the command execution
Key F10: Activate the menu bar in the program in use
RIGHT ARROW: Challenge right next menu or submenu
LEFT ARROW: Challenge next menu to the left or close a submenu
Key F5: Update the active window
Key BACKSPACE: view the contents of the folder one level in the directory "My Computer" or Windows Explorer
Key ESC: cancel the task
SHIFT when booting the CD in the drive for the CD: prevent auto-play CD

Keyboard shortcuts for dialog boxes
При натисканні клавіш SHIFT + F8 у вікнах списків зв’язкового вибору включається режим зв’язкового вибору. В цьому режимі можна використовувати клавіші зі стрілками, щоб перемістити курсор, зберігаючи вибір об’єкта. Для налаштування параметрів вибраного об’єкта натискайте CTRL + ПРОБІЛ або SHIFT + ПРОБІЛ. Щоб відключити зв’язний режим, натисніть SHIFT + F8. Режим зв’язного вибору відключається автоматично при переміщенні фокуса до іншого елементу управління.

CTRL TAB: move forward through tabs
CTRL SHIFT TAB: move backwards through tabs
Tab: Move forward through options
SHIFT TAB: move backwards through the options
ALT underlined letter: implementation of the command or selecting the option
Press ENTER: command for the current option or button
SPACEBAR: installing or removing the flag from the field, if the active option is represented by the flag button
Arrow keys: select a button if the active option is included in a group of radio buttons
Key F1: Help Topics
Key F4: display elements active list
Key BACKSPACE: Opens the folder one level up if a folder is selected in the Save As dialog box, or opening a document

Hot keys of a standard keyboard, Microsoft Natural Keyboard

Emblem Windows: opens or closes the "Start"
Emblem Windows BREAK: Challenge the System Properties dialog box
Emblem Windows D: show the desktop
Emblem Windows M: Minimize all windows
Emblem Windows SHIFT M: restore minimized windows
Emblem Windows E: open the folder "My Computer"
Emblem Windows F: Find a file or folder
Emblem CTRL Windows F: Search Computers
Emblem Windows F1: Help Topics Windows
Emblem Windows L: Lock the keyboard
Emblem Windows R: Challenge Run dialog box
Emblem Windows U: Viklik Dispatcher službovih program

Keyboard shortcuts Accessibility

Hold the right SHIFT 8 seconds: Enable and Disable input filter
Left ALT left SHIFT PRINT SCREEN: Enable and Disable High Contrast
Left ALT left SHIFT PRINT SCREEN: Enable and Disable High Contrast
Quintuple pressing SHIFT: Enable and Disable Sticky Keys
Hold NUM LOCK key for 5 seconds: Enable and Disable sound switch
Emblem Windows U: Viklik Dispatcher službovih program

Keyboard shortcuts in Windows Explorer browser

Key END: shift down the active window
Key HOME: switch up the active window
NUM LOCK Key asterisk (*): Display all subfolders of the selected folder
Key NUM LOCK sign "plus" ( ): Displays the contents of the selected folder
Key NUM LOCK sign "minus" (-): coagulation selected folder
LEFT ARROW: collapse the selected item, if expanded, or select parent folder
RIGHT ARROW: Display the selected object, if collapsed, or select first subfolder

Shortcut keys for Character Map
Double-clicking the symbol on the grid of characters, you can move through the grid by using the keyboard shortcuts:

RIGHT ARROW: Move to the right or to the next line
LEFT ARROW: Move to the left or to the end of the previous line
ARROW: Move up one line
DOWN ARROW: Move down one line
Key PAGE UP: move up one screen at a time
Key PAGE DOWN: move down one screen at a time
Key HOME: jump to start of line
Key END: the transition to end of line
CTRL HOME: Go to the first character
CTRL END: Go to the last character
SPACEBAR: switch between zoom and normal view selected character

Keyboard shortcuts for main window management console (MMC)

CTRL O: Opens a saved console
CTRL N: Opens a new console
CTRL S: save the open console
CTRL M: Adding and Removing Object console
CTRL W: Opens a new window
Key F5: Update the content of all console windows
ALT SPACE: call menu "Window" Management Console (MMC)
ALT F4: closes the console
ALT A: call the menu "Action"
ALT V: call the menu "View"
ALT F: Challenge "File" menu
ALT O: call menu "Favorites"

Keyboard shortcuts for Windows Management Console (MMC)

CTRL P: Print the current page or active region
ALT sign "minus": call menu "Window" active console window
SHIFT F10: call context menu "Action" for the selected item
Key F1: Opens the Help topic (if any) for the selected object
Key F5: Update the content of all console windows
CTRL F10: minimize the active console window
CTRL F5: restoring the active console window
ALT ENTER: Challenge Properties dialog box (if any) for the selected object
Key F2: rename the selected object
CTRL F4: Close the active console window when a console has only one window, this shortcut closes the console combination

Remote Desktop

CTRL ALT END: Dialog Box Microsoft Windows Security
ALT PAGE UP: Switch between programs from left to right
ALT PAGE DOWN: Switch between programs from right to left
ALT INSERT: moving between programs in order of last used
ALT HOME: call the menu "Start"
CTRL ALT BREAK: Switch the client computer between a window and full screen mode
ALT DELETE: виклик меню «Windows»
CTRL ALT sign "minus" (-): all rooms snapshot client window area on the clipboard on the terminal server (action similar keypresses ALT PRINT SCREEN on a local computer)
CTRL ALT sign "plus" ( ): space snapshot of the active window client area of ​​the Clipboard to a terminal server (action similar keystroke PRINT SCREEN on a local computer)

Navigation in the Web browser Microsoft Internet Explorer

CTRL B: Opens the Organize Favorites window
CTRL E: Opens the panel "Search"
CTRL F: Launch Search Utility
CTRL H: Opens the log panel
CTRL I: Opens the selected panel
CTRL L: Opens the Open dialog box
CTRL N: launch another instance of the browser with the same Web address
CTRL O: Opens the Open dialog box, similar to that of CTRL L
CTRL P: Opens the Print dialog box
CTRL R: Update the current Web page
CTRL W: Close the current window

What you should know before buying widescreen LCD monitor.

Якщо Ви все таки вирішили купляти монітрор. Як відомо широкоформатні монітори завоювали і ринок і користувачів. Мультимедійний контент править скрізь. І одним з кращих способів для його сприйняття є широкоформатний монітор. Модельний ряд ЖК моніторів – не один десяток моделей. На що звернути увагу перед покупкою і не потрапити в халепу?

As an illustrative example, consider the process of selecting and buying a widescreen display with a diagonal of 19 inches or 22 inches.

This diagonal can perfectly approach for working with office applications, usually for vebserfinhu or of the Internet, and be able to provide adequate comfort while watching movies.

Як ця величина – 19 дюймів виражається у звичних цифрах, сантиметрах. Перш за все, при співвідношенні сторін монітора 16:10, (шістнадцять до десяти), важлива діагональ і вона складає 48,1 сантиметр. Далі ширина, горизонтальна складова монітора, дорівнює 40,8 сантиметра. І нарешті, останній розмір – це висота монітора – 25,5 сантиметра. Всі зазначені розміри, як Ви зрозуміли, відносяться до екрану монітора, а не корпусу.

Thus, the size of all fell into place, and they confirm that this product is not bulky and ergonomically located on the user's desktop.

It's time to mention the financial side of things.

Тепер про суть вибору. Якість зображення. Може бути дуже суб’єктивним показником, і тут без порівняння не обійтися. Як правило, на полицях комп’ютерних магазинів і супермаркетах електроніки монітори стоять в ряд і показують покупцям якийсь відеоряд. Уважно і не поспішаючи, під різними кутами розгляньте демонстроване зображення. Важливий момент: точність передачі кольору, кольору повинні бути максимально близькими до дійсності.

Потім слід звернути увагу на значення яскравості і контрастності. І буде здорово, якщо продавець покаже Вам як це виглядає при роботі з офісними додатками, серфінгом, іграми і фільмами. Таким чином Вам стане зрозуміло – чи вистачить заявлених виробником показників яскравості і контрастності для ваших завдань. І так від моделі до моделі. Як би не замучився продавець, це його проблеми, йому все ясно, а Ви тихо і спокійно, вдумливо і методично вибираєте РК монітор, який буде працювати для Вас і на Вас тривалий період часу.

Далі до важливих характеристик можна віднести такий показник як – час відгуку. Чим менше, тим краще – особливо якщо Ви любитель іграшок. У виробника заявлено час відгуку яке було досягнуто в ідеальних лабораторних умовах, тому не варто на них покладатися. Переконайтеся у цьому самі – знову напружуємо продавця – краще один раз побачити, ніж прочитати і почути.

This characteristic is not exhausted, and the next is: cover of the monitor.

As widescreen monitors with high resolution, it is necessary that the signal transmitted from the video card to a digital input - DVI. After you pay and including high quality image.

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What you need to know when buying memory?

Currently, the cost of memory has fallen so much that the profit of manufacturers and sellers is less than 20%. This forces them to use low-grade chips, parity generators, not really checking, chips that have already been used before, and to rebrand them when manufacturing memory boards. This article is an attempt to give memory buyers the information they need to make the right choice when purchasing system memory. It contains both technical information that may interest only "advanced users" and information from the "field of general knowledge and knowledge about nature."

The main part of this material is devoted to Dynamic RAM (DRAM), which is used today in most systems. Compared to the SRAM (Static RAM) used in the second-level cache, this is a cheaper solution, but DRAM is slightly slower due to the need to periodically update the memory content to avoid information loss. Currently, there are the following types of DRAM: Fast Page Mode (FPM) and Extended Data Out (EDO), which differ in the way they access data and interact with the central processor. More advanced and technological are Burst EDO (BEDO), Synchronous DRAM (SDRAM), Video RAM (VRAM), Window RAM (WRAM), Synchronous Graphics RAM (SGRAM) and RAMBUS RAM.

Static RAM (SRAM) and Read Only Memory (ROM) were not included in this list. SRAM does not require periodic content updates and is used in cache. ROM is mainly used to store the BIOS, where the information must be stored even when the power is turned off, which is what this type of memory allows. ROM also includes PROM, EPROM, EEPROM and FLASH ROM. EEPROM and FLASH ROM type memory are used in BIOS systems and can be updated using utilities provided by the manufacturer.

The second and third parts of this article are devoted to technical details and accepted terminology. The fourth paragraph discusses the construction of memory modules from chips and various technical solutions. The fifth chapter discusses the market of memory modules and its main players. If the technical details do not appeal to you, turn to the sixth chapter, which tells how to identify fakes with a possible higher probability. The last section is a brief overview of the entire article.

Memory Chips

DRAM memory modules are available as DIP (dual in-line package), SOJ (small outline J-lead) and TSOP (thin, small outline package). A DIP is a microcircuit with two rows of pins on both sides of the chip and these pins are soldered into small holes in the printed circuit board. Initially, DIP modules were installed directly into the motherboard. However, at present, they are used primarily in the second-level cache and are inserted into panels soldered to the motherboard. SOJs are "the same DIP, side view" because their leads are simply bent at the ends like the letter "J". Chips of the TSOP type are characterized by a small thickness and have contacts brought out on all sides. SOJ and TSOP are designed to be installed on printed circuit boards. However, some video card manufacturers mount contact pads for installing SOJ-type modules on their products.

Manufacturers of memory chips churn them out in huge quantities in large factories. When the first production lines were launched, not all the chips produced met the specifications and therefore required relabelling or even disposal (for example by rolling into asphalt :). With the improvement of technology, defects became fewer and fewer. However, due to the aging of the equipment, the amount of marriage increased again. Currently, most manufacturers are replacing technological lines.

In theory, every chip coming off the production line should be tested for reliability and speed according to the specification. However, the chip may have a lower access speed than what is written on it (work faster). For example, a 60ns chip can work as well as a 59ns – or even a 50ns chip. If the factory tests showed that the actual access speed of the chip is 61 or 69ns, then it will be labeled as a 70ns chip. Chips that have shown stable performance in all tests are class A (regardless of speed), chips with small defects will be classified as class Z, and chips with significant defects are usually destroyed.

Class A chips are the most reliable and are considered the highest quality chips. They are also the most expensive because they ensure stable operation in any conditions. Class C chips are used in devices that are not as demanding on system memory as modern computers, such as pagers, calculators and other household appliances. Some manufacturers additionally use another classification to identify chips.

Manufacturers apply marking on each microcircuit, which includes the name of the manufacturer, the configuration of the chip, the access speed and the date of manufacture. This marking is not applied to the surface, but embedded in the plastic case of the chip. The only way to remove this marking is to cut it off (with a peeler or a file :). Next, a protective coating is applied to the chip, giving it a presentable appearance. In addition, some manufacturers put a small embossed dot on the top of the chip to indicate the first pin of the chip and to identify relabeling done by hand.

Manufacturers use different markings for chips of different classes. For example, Micron uses the MT marking for Class A chips, while chips in other grades are marked as USA or Laser depending on how bad they are. Other manufacturers use the country name to label lower-end chips. Thus, you can find chips with inscriptions such as "japan", "france", "korea", etc. Seeing a chip with this marking, a savvy buyer will notice that this chip is made of non-standard, cheap materials and does not fully meet the specification. In addition, manufacturers have chips of different price categories depending on the scope of their testing. For example, the same Micron published a document indicating the existence of four price categories for their chips. Chips of the upper price category are tested thoroughly and are guaranteed to be error-free in 99.9% of cases. Chips that have not been tested for speed and reliability have the lowest price, that is, the buyer buys chips "as is" and may be out of luck. In this case, testing is up to the buyer.

Chips of different capacities (measured in megabits - 1Megabyte = 8 * 1Megabit) are produced, for example 1 Megabit (in this context, the designation Mb is exactly Megabit), 4Mb, 16Mb, 64Mb and recently appeared 256Mb. Each chip contains cells that can store from 1 to 16 bits of data. For example, a 16Mb chip can be configured as 4Mbx4, 2Mbx8 or 1Mbx16, but in any case its total capacity is 16Mb. Thus, the first marking number of some manufacturers indicates the total number of cells in the chip, and the second - the number of bits in the cell. The number of bits per cell also affects how many bits are transmitted at once when accessing it.

The cells in the chip are arranged like a two-dimensional array, they are accessed by specifying the column and row numbers. Each column contains additional circuits for signal amplification, selection and recharging. During a read operation, each selected bit is sent to the corresponding amplifier, after which it enters the input / output line. During recording, everything happens exactly the opposite.

Since DRAM cells quickly lose the data stored in them, they must be updated regularly. This is called refresh, and the number of rows updated in one cycle is refresh rate (regeneration frequency). The refresh rates of 2K and 4K are most often used. Chips with a 2K refresh rate can update more cells at once than 4K and complete the refresh process faster. Therefore, chips with a regeneration frequency of 2K consume less power. When performing a reading operation, regeneration is performed automatically, the data received on the signal amplifier is immediately written back. This algorithm allows you to reduce the number of necessary regenerations and increase the speed of operation.

Multiple control lines are used to indicate when a row and column are accessed, which address is accessed, and when data is to be sent or received. These lines are called RAS and CAS (Row Address Select - row address pointer and Column Address Select - column address pointer), address buffer and DOUT / DIN (Data Out and Data In). The RAS and CAS lines indicate when a row or column is accessed. The address buffer contains the address of the required row / column to be accessed and the DOUT / DIN lines indicate the direction of data transfer.

The operating speed of an asynchronous memory chip is measured in nanoseconds (ns). This rate indicates how quickly data becomes available from the moment a signal is received from the RAS. Currently, the main speeds of microcircuits on the market are 70, 60, 50 and 45ns. Synchronous memory (SDRAM) uses the motherboard's external frequency for wait cycles, and so its speed is measured in MHz, not nanoseconds.

FPM was almost driven out of the market EDO RAM because access to the CPU EDO RAM is faster by about 60% than the FPM.

Access to data in the FPM is as follows (example for a read operation): when a logic zero (low voltage) is applied to the RAS line, the address buffer contains the number of the row from which the data should be transferred to the signal amplifier. Then follows the same operation, but with CAS and with the column number. Next, the DOUT line is turned on, indicating that data is available. To access another column of the same row, only CAS changes (this is called Fast Page Mode). Each time CAS is turned on, DOUT is disabled, denying access to data.

EDO type memory uses the same algorithms for RAS and CAS, but the DOUT line is not turned off when CAS is turned on. This allows you to start access from the next column without waiting for the end of transmission from the current column. This allows you to increase access speed within one page and increase system performance.

BEDO (Burst EDO) was developed by Micron Technology as an attempt to further increase memory speed. After being developed, this technology never entered widespread use, since SDRAM is "cooler". FPM, EDO and BEDO are not designed for a bus speed of more than 66MHz. At the moment this is not so critical for most motherboards, but in the near future the situation should change due to the use of high bus speeds. So currently, BEDO modules are used mainly for video memory caching in professional graphics systems.

SDRAM (Synchronous DRAM) is the most promising type of memory on the market. All operations in SDRAM are synchronized with the external frequency of the system. This eliminates the need for the RAS and CAS analog signals required for asynchronous DRAM, which increases performance. In the future, SDRAM technology will allow the use of a bus frequency of up to 125MHz. This is very important for overall system performance, as the I/O bus frequency is the bottleneck for most computers, limiting the functionality of modern systems. For more detailed information on SDRAM operation, refer to the SDRAM FAQ.

Printed Circuit Boards

Modern printed circuit boards consist of several layers. Signals, power and mass are separated in different layers for protection and separation. Standard PCBs have four layers, but some memory board manufacturers (such as NEC, Samsung, Century, Unigen, and Micron) use six-layer PCBs. While there is some debate as to whether this is actually better, the theory is that the two extra layers improve the separation of the data lines, reducing the possibility of noise and signal leakage between the lines.

You should pay attention to the wiring and the material from which the printed circuit board is made. For example, a common four-layer board is made with two signal layers on the outside, power and ground on the inside. This provides easy access to signal lines, for example, during repairs. Unfortunately, such architecture is poorly protected from noises arising from outside and inside. The best configuration is the location of the signal layers between the mass and power layers, which allows you to protect yourself from external noise and prevent internal noise from adjacent modules.

Unpleasant, but the only way I know of to determine the number of layers in the PCB and layout of signal lines - contact the manufacturer.

Memory Modules

Many people think that the memory modules they purchase are made by semiconductor manufacturers such as Texas Instruments, Micron, NEC, Samsung, Toshiba, Motorola, etc., whose markings are on the chips. Sometimes this is true, but there are many memory module manufacturers who do not manufacture the chips themselves. Instead, they purchase components for the production of memory modules either from manufacturers or resellers. It happens that such collectors stick stickers on ready-made modules for their identification. Although it is not uncommon to find modules without identifying marks at all, they are made by third-party manufacturers.

Major memory module manufacturers have contracts with chip manufacturers to source high-quality Class A chips. Usually the chip manufacturer's name remains, but some memory module manufacturers have special arrangements whereby the chip manufacturers apply their markings instead of their own. This is a factory relabeling, it does not affect the quality of the chip in any way.

Memory modules can be SIPP (Single In-line Pin Package), SIMM (Single In-line Memory Module), DIMM (Dual In-line Memory Module) or SO DIMM (Small Outline DIMM). The most consumed modules today are DIMM and SIMM. SO DIMM is more commonly used in laptops. The conclusions (contacts) of the memory modules can be gold-plated or tin-plated, depending on the material from which the memory slot is made. For better compatibility, you should try to use memory modules and slots covered with the same material.

There are two types of SIMM modules: 30-pin or 72-pin, depending on the number of module pins. 30-pin modules are 9 bits wide (8 bits and a parity bit), and 72-pin modules are 32 bits (without parity) or 36 bits (with parity). Since the 386 and 486 processors have a 32-bit bus, either 4 30-pin SIMM modules or one 72-pin module must be used. Systems based on Pentium, Pentium Pro, and Pentium II processors have a 64-bit bus, which requires the use of 72-pin SIMM modules in pairs or a single DIMM that is 64 bits wide and 168 pins wide. The required number of memory modules to fill the bus is called a memory "bank".

DIMM modules are divided by power supply voltage and operating algorithm. Unbuffered modules with a supply voltage of 3.3 volts are standard for PCs, so there are practically no others on the market. Unbuffered DIMMs can contain SDRAM, BEDO, EDO, and FPM memory, have a width of 64 or 72 data bits for parity, and 72 and 80 bits for ECC. These modules differ from other positions of keys (cuts) in the contact line. If you look at the module from the front side (from the side of the chips), then the left key (boom) should be in the extreme right position, and the middle one should be in the middle position. The left key determines whether the module is buffered, and the middle key determines the supply voltage.
DIMM configuration

Buffered modules also need to have more two-way radio on all the lines of data in personal computers class PC will not apply.

The parity check consists of adding 8 significant bits of data when writing to memory and storing the result in the ninth parity check bit. During reading, the significant bits are added again and the result is compared with the parity check bit saved during writing. If the results match, it is considered that the data has not changed and their integrity is confirmed. This type of check can find, but not correct, a single-bit error. However, an error in two bits will remain unnoticed.

Taking into account modern memory production technologies, a parity error occurs approximately once every ten years for any module, but if it has already occurred, then the consequences can be any. Depending on the type of applications, parity control may not be a concern. For banking, military, and similar applications where data integrity is one of the necessary conditions, parity control is required, but most ordinary users do not need it.

A better level of data validation is achieved by applying ECC (error-correcting code), which uses 7 or 8 bits of parity control (depending on the width of the processor bus, 4 or 8 bytes, respectively). This allows not only to find an error in one bit, but also to correct it, as well as to find errors in 2, 3 and even 4 bits. Experience shows that 98% of errors occur in a single bit, so this level of parity control is acceptable for most data integrity-critical applications.

30-pin modules can be labeled as 1x9 or 4x9, corresponding to the number of bits that can be transferred simultaneously (including the parity bit), and 72-pin modules can be labeled as 1x32 and 1x36 (for 4 megabyte supervised or unsupervised modules parity). Almost all modern motherboards support 72-pin SIMMs, both with and without parity, as well as DIMMs.

The number of chips on a module is determined by both the size of the memory chips and the capacity of the entire module. For example, 32Mb is required for a module with a capacity of 4 Megabytes (8 bits is a byte, so the number of megabits must be divided by 8). Thus, a 4 megabyte module can contain either eight 4Mb chips or two 16Mb chips. Due to the fact that new chips with a larger capacity appear, memory modules with a larger capacity (more than 32 megabytes) are also becoming available, which allow you to increase the total amount of system RAM.

Installing a large number of chips on each module can lead to overheating and failure of the entire module.

Because 72-pin SIMMs are 32-bit, the banks for these SIMMs are also 32-bit. Sometimes, using standard chips, 64-bit memory modules are produced. These modules should be designed as two-bank. For example, to obtain an 8 megabyte SIMM module (requiring 64Mb), you can use: four 16Mb chips (8x2Mb configuration) - 32-bit Single-bank module, four 16Mb chips (16x1Mb configuration) or sixteen 4Mb chips (4x1Mb configuration) - 64-bit two-bank module. Note that four 16Mb chips (4x4Mb configuration) will not work, as this module will only use 16 bits of data, and if you use eight such chips, you will get a Single Bank 16 megabyte SIMM module. But sixteen 4Mb chips in a 1x4Mb configuration will also not work in a 4 megabyte module. Unfortunately, single-bank 8MB SIMMs require TTL circuitry to emulate two banks, which is not supported by some motherboards - so some 4-chip SIMMs sometimes do not work.

As a result, all modules 8MB SIMM (as well as a 32-megabyte) or is dvobankovyh or emulate this dvobankovyh to comply with the standard.

DIMMs are nothing more than a form factor, and in itself the question of whether they are better or worse than SIMMs is incorrect. The only known advantage of the 168-pin DIMM module is that they can be installed one at a time in a Pentium board, while SIMM modules are placed in pairs. It is obvious that this dignity is extremely insignificant. However, for, say, an EDO DIMM, it is actually the only one. Another thing is that almost all DIMMs currently produced are equipped with SDRAM type memory.

Market Memory

Most of the chips (about 80%) produced by major semiconductor manufacturers are not used in their own products, but are sold in bulk to other companies under contracts that stipulate fixed prices and volumes. Since the construction of factories is not cheap and takes a lot of time, such contracts guarantee the profitability of the enterprise and protect the manufacturer from market fluctuations. The rest of the chips are sold through the distribution network.

The main manufacturers of memory modules Kingston, Century, Unigen, Simple, Advantage, etc. are purchased directly from chip manufacturers. The best manufacturers use Class A chips to guarantee the reliability of their products. Some small "left" manufacturers buy chips from either the gray market or lower-end chips from manufacturers, and may use chips removed from old or defective modules. This allows you to keep prices low, sacrificing quality and reliability.

A finished memory module requires little to produce: a printed circuit board, a few chips (and of course chip-mounting equipment), and some assembly information. The quality of the finished module is determined by the quality of the chips and the manufacturing process. Although the main part of the module is the chips, the quality, compatibility and reliability of the products are also affected by: the quality of the printed circuit board, production management and circuit wiring. The manufacturer must be careful to preserve the functionality of the chips, as the high temperature used during soldering can damage the product or reduce its reliability and performance, even leading to inconsistency in markings.

As mentioned earlier, the speed of the chip is printed on its outside, along with other data. It is usually indicated after the "-" sign or the last one or two digits in the marking. For example, a 60ns access rate might be labeled as "-6", "-06" or "-60", or something like "GM71C17400AJ6" where we are interested in the last number. The access speed shows how much time the chip needs to respond to the central processor, so it is better if it is less.

In general, the faster the bus speed, the faster the memory should be used in the system. For example, an 8MHz bus requires only 150ns modules, 33MHz only 70ns modules, and 66MHz only 60ns modules. The use of faster modules does not cause problems, but the use of slower modules can lead to errors in the operation of applications and freezes. It is desirable that the speed of all memory modules installed in the system, especially in one bank, coincide. Even if all the modules have a speed faster than the CPU needs, it does not cause any side effects. As mentioned earlier, the speed that is written on the chip indicates only the lowest speed of its operation. In theory (and in reality), a memory module could, for example, have one chip at 52ns, another at 56ns, and the third at 60ns.


KNOW WHAT YOU'RE BUYING! First, identify the chip manufacturer and the module manufacturer. There are many chip manufacturers and it is very difficult to know them all. See a list of chip and module manufacturers. Although all the leading manufacturers make high-end chips, they also sell their C-class chips, and you can simply attack low-quality products. Therefore, find a good, well-known seller who can clearly explain where he got this memory, because we cannot offer another way to distinguish C-class memory.

Many module manufacturers offer a lifetime warranty, even on modules with lower-end chips. The reasons for this can be different, but nevertheless they benefit, because most use their systems for more than a few years and few load the computer so much that the memory is exploited in hard mode. Low-end chips (even used ones) can work satisfactorily for several years, but still have lower reliability than new Class A chips. It can take a long time to establish the fact that application errors are due to bad memory, and not with program errors.

Unfortunately, currently, it is not enough to look at the manufacturer's name on the chip. Due to the increasing competition in the memory market, there are many ways to reduce the price, mostly all of them are at the expense of quality. Knowing what to pay attention to will help reduce the likelihood of buying low-quality modules, that is, it is necessary to understand the dwarfs and icons applied to the chips.

REPEAT the product of the module. One of the popular ways to save and something to pay attention to is the so-called "remanufactured modules". As mentioned above, every manufacturer puts the date on the chip (except TI, which puts it on the PCB). This date has the form "YYYY", where YY is the year and NN is the number of the week in which the product was manufactured. For example, the inscription "9622" means that the chip was made in the 22nd week of 1996.

Keep in mind that all chips of the same configuration on the same module must have the same (or close) date and the manufacturer of all chips must be the same (sometimes this rule is broken, but not often). Data chips and parity chips can sometimes have different manufacturing dates, as they can be configured differently. However, the dates should not differ too much.

If these dates differ, then there is a high chance of running into a "remanufactured module". There is nothing wrong with this, except that it can affect reliability due to reheating of chips when resoldering (remember, temperature can damage chip reliability and speed). Also, these chips are most likely already used and you wouldn't want to buy them if it weren't for the price.

Another negative point would be to use 16-megabyte modules 4Mb chips.

Peremarkirovanyy chips.

Although you can sometimes identify rebranded chips if you keep the following in mind. As written in the manufacturing section, the new chip should have a smooth, shiny surface, and many manufacturers also put an embossed dot on this surface (this dot is small, so look better). Since the surface of the chip is sawed off during re-marking, it will look matte and not smooth. The edges of the dot will no longer be as sharp, and the reflective properties of the chip surface will also be lost. And finally, if the marking is easily erased with a nail or a knife, then this chip must be re-marked.

As mentioned earlier, some chips peremarkovuvaty the factory.

MEMORY used. Another method - selling has already been used before memory. Often people sell their old memory. The seller who bought this memory from them sells it again and makes a really good profit. This can be avoided by checking the date on the chips as mentioned above. Any year-old module has most likely already been used. Memory units sell well, so new memory can't sit on the shelf that long. Another method of determining the used memory is to look at the contacts of the module. They should not be scratched. Although, if the manufacturing date of the chips is not very old, then this module could simply be inserted into the motherboard for testing.

FAKE parity control. If you want parity-checked memory, you need to keep in mind that there is bitwise (true) and logical (none) parity. If in the first case, the parity control is really performed according to the previously described algorithm, then in the second case, the following happens: when writing, the parity bit is not written anywhere, and when reading, this bit is simply generated based on the output data. This ensures that the parity check signal is always applied to the memory controller. Thus, no control actually takes place. Creating such modules made sense when 30-pin SIMMs were used and memory chips were quite expensive (the cost of an additional chip is about 12% of the cost of the module, in the case of using 8 data chips). If parity control is not required, and the system does not support modules without parity control, then the use of logic control is a perfectly acceptable solution. Unfortunately, this practice was continued in modules with 72 contacts. Therefore, a lot of memory with fake controls has already been sold.

The meaning of such frauds is to extract additional profit from the seller. How to distinguish a real bit parity check from a logical forgery? There is a very simple way. All modules that implement real parity control have a control chip marked, among other things, with the letters "BP". This stands for "bit parity". So if this chip is not relabeled, it can always be found on the module. In addition, bearing in mind that a module with this parity control should be 8-12% more expensive due to an additional chip, if the seller offers memory with parity, the most expensive by a couple of dollars, then it is safe to say that parity control on such logical modules.

USE cheap technology.

SPEED MEMORY. In the manual for any motherboard, it is said which chips with which access time are recommended to be used. It is generally recommended to use chips with an access speed of 70ns or faster. This means that modules with chips with an access speed of 60ns will work fine, while using modules with 80ns chips may lead to errors and freezes. The access speed of modules in one bank must be the same, while the use of modules with different speed characteristics in different banks is allowed. But at the same time, the system will work at the speed of the slowest module.

EDO and FPM. Almost all modern motherboards, including some boards for 486 processors, allow the use of EDO RAM. EDO type memory has been advertised as significantly faster compared to FPM, but in reality this advantage is not so obvious due to the use of a fast level 2 cache on the motherboard. Without cache, the performance of systems with EDO type memory is 20% faster than systems with FPM memory, but if the size of the L2 cache is at least 256 kilobytes, this advantage does not exceed 1-2%.

SDRAM. SDRAM definitely gives a performance gain over Edo with 60ns access times, but not quite six times as much as you might think from looking at the labeling. In particular, with a system bus frequency of 66 MHz on a 430TX chipset (VX does not optimally use SDRAM), EDO 60ns memory allows you to organize serial access according to the 5-2-2-2 scheme, and SDRAM with 10ns marking - according to the 5-1-1 scheme – 1, which gives a profit of about 30%. (In fact, the gain is significantly less, since access to memory is far from always consistent, and the cache is much more important) However, when the frequency of the system bus increases (the same Intel has not yet officially announced processors operating at a higher external frequency, but obviously which is not far off) up to 100MHz SDRAM 10ns will still be able to support the 5-1-1-1 scheme, and EDO 60ns will either not work at all or will work on a much worse scheme.

TIN AGAINST GOLD. Some sources report that the material from which the contacts of the memory module and the corresponding connector are made must match. That is, when buying new memory modules, make sure that their contact pads are made of the same material as the contacts in the connector of your motherboard. This comparison can be made purely visually, as gold contacts are yellow and tin contacts are white. Obviously, this recommendation is based on the fact that in some (for example, wet) environments, oxidation reactions are possible in the collision zone of different metals. This can lead to unstable operation of the memory system and even failures.

Two-bank MEMORY. Some motherboards can use dual-bank memory modules of 8 and 32 megabytes. Therefore, it is important to make sure that your motherboard supports these modules before purchasing such modules. For example, many 486-based boards using all banks of 30-pin SIMMs cannot work with dual-bank 72-pin SIMMs.

TWO AND FOUR CHIP MODULES. Although the use of such modules does not cause problems, some motherboards may not support four-chip modules with a capacity of 8 Megabytes, consisting of 16Mb chips due to non-standard configuration. As mentioned earlier, it is possible to create single-bank 8-megabyte modules with 16Mb chips by emulating two banks using a TTL circuit. But not all motherboards support this configuration, not recognizing these modules or refusing to load. On the other hand, I have not heard of any problems with dual-chip modules.


MIXING DIFFERENT TYPES OF MEMORY. There are many recommendations for this problem. However, the general rule is to install memory of the same type in one bank, and not to install memory that is not supported by the motherboard. Although some exceptions are possible, following this rule will avoid any problems.

If the motherboard supports EDO, for example, and if you install FPM RAM in one bank and EDO in the other, everything will most likely work correctly, although it is possible that EDO will work as FPM in this case. Some boards require EDO type memory to be installed in the first bank in this case. If the motherboard cannot correctly determine the type of memory installed, the system will work incorrectly or not work at all.

Another aspect of this issue is related to mixing memory modules with different access times. If you use modules of the same speed inside one bank, then there will be no problems. When using slower memory than the motherboard requires (and these requirements are based on the frequency of the system bus), it becomes necessary to add additional wait cycles when the processor works with memory. This operation is performed by changing the Setup BIOS parameters. In this case, the central processor will wait a little longer for the data to be ready. If the memory is so slow that even adding more wait cycles doesn't help, then multiple application errors and hangs are possible.

Many sources claim that all memory modules in the system run at the speed of the slowest module. However, I do not see any arguments that can confirm or refute this position. It seems unlikely to me, since the speed of the chip is an internal characteristic determined by the time from the moment the RAS signal is applied to the appearance of data at the output. Sheena has no idea how quickly they appear there. As already mentioned, the chip is marked, for example, how 60ns can work even faster. The main thing is that the memory is available before the next data transfer. This means that all modules, regardless of their speed, will work with the same overall performance, which is determined by how fast the processor or cache data will be needed. If additional wait cycles are set to apply to a slower memory system, then all memory accesses begin to perform more slowly as the bus idles for additional time. However, this does not mean that inside the chips start to work more slowly.

And another important point is the use of DIMM modules together with SIMM modules. It is not recommended to install them together due to the fact that DIMM modules are powered from 3.3 volts, and SIMMs - from 5. At the same time, most motherboards have a common power supply for SIMM and DIMM slots. In this regard, when installing modules in both types of connectors, an increased voltage of 5 volts will be applied to the DIMM. This circumstance can lead to the failure of the chips on the module. And although there are facts that the modules work together normally, using them in freelance mode, if it does not immediately cause them to fail, then it leads to a shortening of the service life.


It is important to understand that with memory, like everywhere else, you get what you pay for. If some memory is offered at a cheaper price, there is a good chance that it is also of lower quality. Even if a warranty is given for cheap memory, it is often not useful because problems are discovered after the expiration of its term.

Even the third memory products manufacturer with a well-proven chips can lead to a significant deterioration in their quality.

So it is better not to save - and take good memories of good firms, who also can produce it tested.

Buy memory in Uzhgorod. Order

What is a computer?

A computer is a machine that performs logical and mathematical operations on data and outputs the results in a form that can be understood by a person or a machine. The first computers were used mainly for mathematical calculations and performed addition, multiplication, division, etc. Modern computers are used to solve more diverse tasks. Including for processing text, graphics and processing huge arrays of information.

Devices that perform the simplest calculations are usually called calculators. They work according to strict algorithms, process button presses. Although general-purpose computers are often controlled by commands entered from the keyboard, their main functions are controlled by software, or programs. The work of both calculators and universal computers comes down, mainly, to the manipulation of symbols of a special kind.
What are computers

Computers are divided into two main types: analog and digital, are different principles of construction, methods of internal communication of information, response to the received command.

An analog computer when working imitates what it calculates. It continuously varies its characteristics. His reaction is an analogue of the process embodied in the problem. A universal analog computer has resistors, capacitors, inductors, connections between which reflect the conditions of the problem.

There are many different types of analog computers. They are "programmed" by setting the physical characteristics of their components. In some analog computers, this is done by turning individual components on and off from the circuits connecting them and changing the parameters of variable resistances, inductances, and capacitances in the circuits.

In addition to these technical tools like automatic transmission cars and music synthesizers, analog computers and used to perform specific computational tasks.

Digital computers manipulate binary numbers, or bits, that represent the conditions of the problem to be solved. In a digital computer, numbers can be used to represent other information, such as letters, operations "plus", "minus", etc. In contrast to analog computers, digital computers work in finite steps.

In addition, there are so-called hybrid computers, which as the name suggests, combines characteristics of both analog and digital computers.

Digital computers use a relatively small number of basic functions needed to perform tasks. The most important characteristics of these computers are speed, reproducibility of results, and versatility. Due to these properties, digital computers find very wide applications in a wide range from clocks to spacecraft.

The basic scheme for such computers was proposed by J. von Neumann in the late 1940s. A computer is a logical connection of blocks that have a specific purpose. Aggregated blocks are often called subsystems, which consist of smaller blocks serving a specific purpose. Those, most often, consist of even smaller blocks and components.

The digital computer consists of five major subsystems: the arithmetic logic unit (CPU), control unit, memory subsystem, internal communications and input-output.

From the moment of its creation, the computer became a universal device, a tool used in almost any profession. The use of computers no longer requires employees to be computer specialists. Therefore, specialized computer service centers are of particular importance. For example, such as service center "Computer Service in Uzhgorod"Experts who have extensive experience troubleshooting computers.

What to look for when purchasing your computer

Today there is a great variety of proposals, opinions, etc. a beginner in this business is often confused - what should he choose, "brand" (a computer with a name - like Mercedes) or assembled. All the more, the task becomes more difficult if among acquaintances there are no "dedicated and enlightened" experts in computer hardware who could disinterestedly advise and protect from mistakes that all beginners, independent users usually go through. If there is such an acquaintance - feel free to contact him, beforehand it is better to know what the configuration is, what the assembly is, what the brand is... At the expense of the brand - which Mercedes is better and more reliable? Assembled in Germany or Turkey? Similarly, computers assembled somewhere in a factory in America by some narrow-profile engineer (or, most likely, several engineers - they are narrow-profile!) are trusted more than computers assembled by our native broad-profile young specialist. But here it is also important what the computer is made of - brand from "branded" components, which are also made in "Zakhoda", and our assembly - what will be made of - it is as our specialist decides or as you order (see configuration below) in every case, the computer must work and perform the necessary tasks - regardless of where and by whom it is assembled. With high-quality assembly and installation of software, these tasks are performed faster and with fewer computer hangs - but a high-quality assembly is not necessarily a "branded" assembly...
Configuration is what any computer consists of, that is, what spare parts, as for the car, but in fact it is not spare parts, but components (probably, the difference is that the spare part can be called any thing, without which, even , the car will go, and the components are already components of the computer, without which either it will not work at all, or something important will not be (sound or CD reader…) Typical question to the buyer in the store or computer company - what configuration Typical answer - I do not know, I was advised to have more memory, so the hard drive was to be at least… Although there is an easier answer - and what can you buy for that amount? This is if you trust the seller, what the seller should ask - What tasks are you going to perform on the computer? Or the seller already has a bunch of prepared prices for gaming, office or other computers and he shows you and tries to convince you of the advantages and disadvantages of a particular configuration.
Here is a typical configuration com:

  1. Processor (stone) - the thing that calculates, differ in speed, by company (Intel, AMD) For modern toys - better pentium 3 with a frequency of 500 and above, for the office will go and a simple pentium - but this is a rarity today, so although b Celeron (Intel) Pentium 2-400, the latter is also suitable for the Internet (
  2. Memory - brains that think the more brains, the better - today they are cheaper than ever (prices are still going down), it is better to take 128 or more, but 64 is enough, the main thing is that the memory is good (it often happens with sclerosis - from unknown manufacturers...but there are exceptions) Take the memory of well-known manufacturers - Hyundai, Samsung, Siemens, etc. – even if you pay more, then fewer problems may arise – very often the “left” memory fails...
  3. Winchester is a permanent memory where all your work, toys, etc. will be recorded (like a cassette in a tape recorder), also the more, the better - prices for hard drives (they are screws or hard drives) are falling, price dependence is not proportional to the volume of the screw - a 20 GB screw will cost only 10-15% more than a 10 GB screw. Everyone chooses the manufacturer of screws according to their taste - the main thing is the guarantee - screws, like other data carriers, can "fall" (rarely, but it happens - up to 1-2% in the course of 2 years of operation), so be sure to ask the seller how he fulfills the warranty (the usual warranty for IDE screws is 2 years, in the event of a possible breakdown during this period, if there is no mechanical damage to it, you must replace or repair it)
  4. Motherboard (motherboard, motherboard) - it was necessary to start a conversation about configurations with it, everything sticks to the motherboard (or everything is stuck into it - which one is more convenient), it depends on the motherboard which processor you can stick into it, which memory to install and how much and what can be installed in it (video card, sound card, modem, network, etc.) Typical questions - the manufacturer (brand is of course better, but not proportionally more expensive than "speed" - for example, how did ASUS check it for $120 and NO NAME for $70 on a BX chip, that is, as if the same in all respects, except for the “name”, in frames per second in a cool 3D toy - on ASUS it was 5% more than on another ...) ATX or AT mother is computer power management - it is at your discretion, AT mother with a suitable case is cheaper, and in my opinion, pressing the power button one more time is much easier than watching how the system does it...
  5. A video card is an important thing in a computer, thanks to it we see what we see (well, without a mother, memory, processor, we would not see anything on the monitor screen either). The video card has a name, manufacturer, memory and possible bells and whistles (TV output, TV input or something else). The principle of choice is usual - more money, better video card. But the principle of more memory - better video does not always work... Voodoo 3 2000(3000-5500) 16 Mb - a good choice for a gaming computer. Any S3 4Mb will do for the office. In some motherboards, the video card is built-in (integrated) - not the best choice, but cheap.
  6. Housing - this thing is called a processor by newcomers, in fact, the housing is a housing or a system unit - it is where all the components listed above are attached. Of course, the power unit is built into the case. There are ATX and AT corps, (more precisely, power supply units). It is not difficult to guess that the colors, type, and shape of the case do not affect the operation of the computer (although there are many people, especially in Turkey, who cannot be convinced of this)
  7. Monitor - here as a TV, more expensive and more diagonal, the better.
  8. CD-ROM is a device for reading compact discs, more high-speed type is better, but with experience the pursuit of speed passes - better more branded (I have not seen better TEAC- 32x or 40x). In high-speed sitting, an unbalanced compact makes a lot of noise (vibrates) and is difficult to read at the same time - the machine can freeze because of this, because TEACs are heavy in themselves (namely, the rotation mechanism in them is heavier than in other CD-ROMs), the noise is almost inaudible ...and reading is better.
  9. The modem can be internal or external - I didn't notice the difference, although they say it's worth it (in the price, that's for sure - the external one is more expensive for the "case, power supply unit and cable"). For our lines, the principle is the same, more expensive is better, a cheap one may not earn at all (do not keep the line) - but no matter what - it is better to try both, if there is an opportunity.
  10. Sound card, columns, keyboard, mouse, floppy disc drive for 3.5 "- is your choice if you are not a musician and not refined connoisseur of music, built in zvukovuha nurse or any cheap $ 10 go, columns 5 bucks

There are ads on the configuration and decoding:

Celeron-600/P3-BF/10.2Gb/64Mb/16Mb/48x/15″ Samsung - A computer with a processor Seleron, frequency 600 MHz, the motherboard P3-BF (Asus), 10 hyhobaytnыm screw 64 megabytes (m) of RAM, 16 MB of memory video card (or video
З / Б P-III-733 / i815 / 20.4Gb / 128Mb / 16Mb (TV-Out) / CD-RW TEAC / SB - The system unit, processor Pentyum 3 with a frequency of 733, marjoram i815, 20Gb screw, 16Mb video memory on the video card is a video output (to TV, VCR ...), CD-RW - reader-recording (overwriting) Compact disc

That's all about the typical configuration of a modern personal computer. There are also various peripherals - printers, scanners, cameras - here if there is a need, you can always buy, and the later this need arises - the cheaper you will buy, because the prices are steadily going down. I would not advise you to buy a printer (scanner or camera) if you plan to use it two^-two-two-once-two a month - it is better and cheaper to record your documents on a diskette (3.5″) (only from distributed programs and applications) and print out in some office - these are now on every corner...
Another important thing when buying a computer is the warranty. Everyone gives a guarantee, but everyone respects it in different ways - in some, all breakdowns can be blamed on you, and if you are an inexperienced user, they will be right (they did not use it skillfully, viruses, dropped it, knocked it, connected it while it was turned on, etc.) and of course to repair, but for a certain amount, others like to pull rubber - a month to change a faulty part - prices go down, and the more you stretch, the cheaper you buy... The first will pass with experience, the second - agree in advance how the warranty will be fulfilled ...

Buy notebook in Uzhgorod, Buy computer in Uzhgorod

How to buy a PC?

If you are looking to buy new or upgrade your old computer, in this article you will find some useful tips on how to choose the best computer for completing the needed tasks.

Комп’ютер – це досить складна взаємозв’язана система, ефективність якої залежить від потужності її компонентів і правильного їх поєднання. Отже, навіть якщо у вашому комп’ютері суперпотужний процесор, але він недостатньо добре охолоджується, користі від нього буде мало, оскільки він не зможе працювати в повну силу. Тобто, комп’ютерна система має бути збалансована, аби всі її компоненти мали можливість максимально реалізувати всі свої можливості.

Many shops offers ultramodern fancy supercomputer, which, when tested, can show themselves even worse than the computer from which less memory and the number of megahertz, but the latter will cost you much cheaper!

Before you buy or upgrade (improve) your computer, you need to clearly define what purpose you use your computer: for text, graphics or video games.

Купити вже зібраний комп’ютер, або купити окремо всі необхідні компоненти і збирати самому – ваша особиста справа. Якщо ви дійсно володієте всіма необхідними знаннями, аби зібрати все самостійно – то це, безумовно, найкращий варіант! По-перше, це дешевше, а по-друге, ви отримаєте все, що входить в комплект кожного компонента, всі інструкції з експлуатації, диски з драйверами і так далі. В разі, якщо ви купуєте вже зібраний комп’ютер, продавець може залишити все це у себе, аби при поломці вам довелося нести комп’ютер в сервіс магазина. До речі, на вже зібрані моделі йде непогана націнка, набагато більша, ніж оплата праці складальника!

If you collect yourself computer can not and do not want to overpay - buy in parts, and then order a collection service in another computer.


Acceleration - is another way to save money when buying a computer.

How is acceleration - the theme of this article is not, but often dispersed CPU and graphics card, and be prepared for the fact that after overclocking the processor starts to warm up more, which means that he will need better cooling.


This is one of the most difficult points when choosing a computer, supporters AMD and Intel for many years arguing about which of these platforms better.

It is believed that AMD processors more heated, and it was true until recently, but now the situation has changed, the manufacturer has taken into account the shortcomings of its processors and processors from Intel is sometimes heated more!

Існує міф про те, що процесори від AMD менш надійні, що вони згорають під час роботи і таке інше. Це теж було справедливо до недавнього часу, і те лише унаслідок недостатнього охолоджування. Погодьтеся, безглуздо звинувачувати виробника холодильника в тому, що він не зміг побороти обігрівач в морозильній камері?

In general, if someone you categorically states that the processors from AMD in some ways worse then believe the word should not, especially if that someone enthusiastically tells you about processors Intel.
The main difference between these platforms that AMD is cheaper, but hardly inferior in performance to its competitors.


This is the second option for evaluating the performance of your computer, however, it makes no sense to argue that the more RAM - the better it will be unnecessary.

Ціни на комп’ютери тримаються незмінно ось вже декілька років, так, наприклад, хороший універсальний (для більшості завдань) комп’ютер рік тому можна було купити за $700-800, зараз хороший універсальний комп’ютер можна купити приблизно за ті ж гроші, ось тільки це вже буде зовсім інший комп’ютер, в нім будуть вже зовсім інші, потужніші і сучасніші компоненти. Зв’язано це із стрімким розвитком технологій, тому, аби комп’ютер завжди відповідав вимогам сучасних ігор, такі речі як відеокарту, об’єм пам’яті і процесор доведеться міняти кожен рік. Звичайно, доведеться час від часу міняти і материнську плату, і блок живлення, оскільки вони теж можливо не відповідатимуть вимогам нових компонентів.

З комп’ютером для офісу простіше. Якщо на нім не потрібно виконувати спеціальні завдання по роботі з графікою і відео, і потрібний він в основному для роботи з документами, то за ціною він буде не вище $500, і те це буде дуже хороший офісний комп’ютер, насправді ціна може починатися з $300!

Gaming computers at a price starting from $ 600-700 for Important fast processor, large amounts of RAM and a modern graphics card.

If you need a computer to perform specific tasks, for example, for graphics or sound, then refer to specialized articles on choosing these components.

If money was

Краса стаціонарного комп’ютера в тому, що там досить просто замінити один компонент іншим, або додати більше оперативної пам’яті, або підключити ще один жорсткий диск. Тому, для того, щоб заощадити на покупці можна узяти відразу лише необхідний мінімум, аби комп’ютер працював, але з невеликим запасом, щоб надалі розширити продуктивність. Наприклад, можна купити хороший процесор і материнську плату з можливістю установки потужнішого процесора, з декількома вільними слотами для плат оперативній пам’яті, що дозволить заощадити на оперативці зараз, докупивши її пізніше. Звукова карта найчастіше буває інтегрована, багатьом її сповна вистачає, але надалі можна купити її окремо, продуктивнішу. Відеокарта теж може бути інтегрована, але якщо ви збираєтеся грати в сучасні ігри, то відеокарту краще відразу брати хорошу, інакше до часу наступного апгрейда процесора або оперативної пам’яті, вона може вже застаріти!

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United States threatened trade sanctions for piracy Ukraine

"The largest corporations are lobbying for changes in Ukrainian legislation. With Ukraine, preferences for duty-free import of certain groups of goods can be removed. The initiator of the sanctions was the International Intellectual Property Alliance, which appealed to the US Chamber of Commerce. In 2006, similar measures cost Ukraine $75 million. This year, the amount may increase by another $39 million. The decision of the US Chamber of Commerce will depend on whether Ukraine is included in the list of special attention. last year, Ukraine was already included in such a list, but no sanctions were adopted then. this time everything is much more serious. The level of piracy in Ukraine is the highest in Europe. according to the IIPA, the main obstacle to an effective fight against Internet piracy is the Telecommunications Act, which states that ISPs are not responsible for the content of information transmitted over their networks. "

What netbook different from a laptop?

In fact, everything is quite simple... In essence, a netbook is the same laptop, but with much smaller dimensions, performance and a slightly different purpose. Many people have heard that all laptops are divided into several classes, including gaming laptops, tablet PCs, budget and business laptops. As for netbooks, they also represent a separate class of laptops, with their own properties, tasks and features. If all the differences between a netbook and a laptop are written down in points, it should look something like this:
Perhaps the most noticeable, at first glance, difference between a netbook and a laptop is its dimensions. According to the idea, laptops were created for business people who were always on the move, and for whom it was vital to have something more than an ordinary calculator or an electronic notebook at hand. Gradually, the laptop market grew and developed, offering us newer and more advanced devices. Laptops came in a variety of sizes, but none of them fit into a woman's small purse or could be used in a confined space. This niche was occupied by netbooks, which, as a rule, have a screen diagonal of no more than 10 inches.
In netbooks, on the contrary, rather weak processors are used, the performance of which is enough for simple tasks such as watching a movie, surfing the Internet and working in office applications. Netbooks are unable to run most modern games that require support for shaders (a shader is a program for one of the stages of the graphics pipeline used in 3D graphics to determine the final parameters of an object or image), high-poly models and 'capacity textures due to its limited graphics system, which is a chip integrated into the motherboard. However, some netbooks can please their owners with old, but no less interesting, toys that are not as demanding on resources as modern ones.

What to buy a laptop or pc?

With the appearance of the first laptops, this issue became urgent among computer users. Although several years have passed, it is still relevant. And that's why there are several reasons and there is no unequivocal answer. Therefore, I will share my thoughts in favor of choosing one or another type of computer depending on the circumstances and requirements of the user.

What desktop computer (desktop) best laptop?

→ it is convenient to work.

→ the monitor picture is almost always better than the laptop display. A monitor is made to show, so its specs will be better than a must-have laptop accessory. In the laptop, they try to reduce the negative of the display, and in the monitors, they try to improve its advantages. Feel the difference in approach?

→ in most cases, a home computer (desktop) is cheaper than a laptop with similar parameters (core, motherboard, RAM, video card, etc.). Miniaturity imposes additional difficulties for developers of laptop parts, and therefore increases its cost price. This is an important point for those who are going to work at home and do not need to go anywhere with a computer. Why overpay?

→ if you spilled a cup of tea on your home computer keyboard, you will have to spend $10-15 to buy a new one. And you can replace it yourself. And if you spilled a cup of tea on the keyboard of a laptop, then ... this can lead to the fact that you will have to buy a new laptop (provided that you did not have it in the field, protected from dust and dust with a special film. But who buys such at home?).

→ aging laptop moral 2-4 times faster desktop.

→ If you buy a computer for entertainment, gaming, the laptop just be weak in terms of management, and a picture is not so good.

What is the best laptop desktop computer (desktop).

→ you can take with you. And in the yard, and the ocean. And it's easy - though he and portable.

→ turned off the light?

→ laptop does not need a special table.

→ large selection of embedded multimedia features often good content parts factory.

And you decide if you're driving and doing business correspondence, computer need "anytime, anywhere", the laptop for you. Otherwise ... I recommend desktop.