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Repair or replacement of the video card KOmP SystemsOpen software (English open - source software) - software with open source code. The source code of such programs is available for review, study and modification, which allows the user to take part in the finalization of the most open program, to use the code to create new programs and correct errors in them - by borrowing the source code, if the compatibility of licenses allows, or by studying the algorithms used , data structures, technologies, methods and interfaces (since the source code can significantly complement the documentation, and in the absence of such, it itself serves as documentation).

The main reasons for using open - source:

  • free software will save money.
  • free software enables employees to learn how it works - the source code is available;
  • Employees will have to copy the software for home use, which will avoid the use of unlicensed software.

The investment fund North Bridge Venture Partners published the results of the study "The Future of Open Software", which surveyed more than 700 respondents representing open software manufacturers and corporate consumers who use open software in their activities. The purpose of the survey was to analyze trends related to the demand for open source software in the corporate sector. Respondents were asked questions regarding a variety of factors influencing the use of open source, such as the economic impact of open source software, key drivers and barriers to open source adoption, and recommendations for building and sustaining profitable business models related to with open software.

The reasons why companies preferred open solutions deserve special attention. 60% of respondents stated that the key factor in switching to open software was the desire to get rid of dependence on one specific manufacturer (vendor lock-in). In second place (51%) among the reasons for switching to open source software is the low cost of acquisition and support. The third determining factor is the higher quality of open projects (43%). In fourth place (42%) they mention the possibility of accessing the source texts of the product. Interestingly, the last few years have seen a decrease in the importance of the indicator of vendor attachment among consumers, but in the current survey this problem is again assigned a key role. According to the authors of the survey, this change is caused by the growing popularity of cloud technologies, in which open source software plays a key role. Among the reasons that hinder the transition to open source software are poor awareness (48%), lack of adequate technical skills among employees (47%), lack of support from the manufacturer (35%) and concerns related to licensing issues (33%) )

Consider a real example of worldwide distribution of open source software. In 1991, Linus Torvalds, a student at the University of Helsinki in Finland, developed a new operating system based on Minix, a derivative of Unix, which he called Linux. Torvalds will release version 0.02 of Linux under the GNU General Public License, which contains a good legal definition of open source software. Countless people around the world have downloaded Linux and started working with it. Many of these users were programmers themselves and made changes to the source code that Torvalds published. Over the next three years, Torvalds received these modified versions from other programmers, merged many changes into the base version, and in 1994 released Linux version 1.0.

Lack of warranty and technical support is a common concern for consumers looking to use open source software. It is almost impossible to maintain such software because the license of this software encourages modification and improvement of the programs. That's why the company Red Hat Software, founded in 1994, which created "Official Red Hat Linux", manages to sell this generally free software. The most valuable feature that Red Hat adds to the software package is the availability of warranty and technical support. For most businesses, the provision of technical support is a key factor in the decision to purchase Linux instead of simply downloading it for free. In addition to Red Hat, several other companies have also created packages of Linux intended for resale, and such packages are usually bundled with additional software.

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