How to create a virtual disk. To use the virtual disk have resorted to many PC users. Reasons to use virtual disks can be many, so count them all just makes no sense. And the question now is completely different: how to create a virtual drive? (more…)
How to quickly create a banner. Advertising today can be seen everywhere, without exception, is??and the World Wide Web. In this article we will try to answer the question how to create a banner, because he is one of the major types of Internet advertising. For this we need the knowledge of certain laws of Web design and specialized computer programs.
Which operating system for NetBook is better? Netbooks are very popular due to their lightness and compactness. Of course, the power they yield valuable computers and its size, but the owners of netbooks it's not frustrating, because bought these "baby" is mostly for surfing the Internet. But due to the technical characteristics of the NetBook you can install any OS. Which operating system for NetBook can you come?
Which operating system for NetBook is better? Deciding which operating system for NetBook you more to your liking, you need to consider several factors. The first is the price. Is the OS paid, is free. Are you willing to shell out the extra money for the distribution of the operating system? Very important resursomìstkìst′ systems: netbooks are less hard drive and RAM, so the system should use resources rationally. In addition, the system must be adapted to the "filling" of the NetBook. (more…)
How to connect iPhone to computer? In order to fully use all the functions of the Apple iPhone, it will have to be connected to a computer. And so it is, any new iPhone user, in the person of a schoolboy or even a president, at some point for the first time asks the question - How to connect an iPhone to a computer? The fact is that today almost all modern phones depend on a computer, because it helps to fill the device with the necessary multimedia content. I think that with the development of telecommunications, phones will become more independent and the need for such a connection will disappear.
Connect iPhone to your computer conducted through regular USB-cable that comes as standard phone. (more…)
Якщо ви не знаєте як створити сервер minecraft, то відповідь на це питання ви зможете знайти в цій статті! Якщо ви знаєте як грати в minecraft, то у цій статті ми навчимо вас створювати сервер minecraft. Варто відзначити, що нічого складного в цьому в принципі немає, хоча тут є кілька своїх нюансів, про які ми вам докладно розповімо. Отже, зараз ми опишемо, простий спосіб як створити сервер minecraft на операційній системі Winodws. (more…)
For Microsoft last year was quite prolific, and the company has something to please readers. (more…)
Рік, що минає, приніс на ринок цілу низку пристроїв, ідеальних для використання компаніями. Завдяки їм фірми зможуть значно підвищити мобільність своїх співробітників та безпеку своєї інформації і таким чином – ефективність. Мова йде про пристрої з Windows 8, яка на сьогодні є найкращою операційною системою для використання у мобільному режимі. (more…)
The process of installing the Windows 8 operating system is quite simple and, with the exception of a minor nuance, is no different from the same procedure using Windows 7. Actually, Microsoft developers have always sought to save their users from difficult settings. Thus, the company confidently won the popularity of its products among the vast majority of inexperienced users. By the way, the developers of linux-like systems followed the same path, because today, as a rule, the installation of Linux is practically no different. (more…)
Here we will post instructions for diagnosing and troubleshooting connectivity to the Internet via your home network in Windows 7.
Symptoms of faults:
Status icon to connect to a wireless network - connected to the network, no Internet access
Network Map does not show if you have access to the Internet:
When you try browsing displays error messages
the In the Internet Explorer can not be watching any of the web page.
the Offline: Internet connection is not available.
the No Connection: You are not connected to any network.
If your computer can connect to the network, but not to the Internet, follow these steps.
Notes. These steps assume that the network was set up earlier and have a contract with your ISP.
If the computer was last connected to the network, it will attempt to reconnect when it detects the wireless network.
To determine which network connection is established, and select your network, follow these steps:
Click the Network connection in the notification area to verify connections or wireless networks.
If your computer is not connected to the network, click on the line with the name of the network, and then click Disable. Click the row with the name of the required network, click Connect.
When you connect the computer to the desired network check for Internet access.
Determine whether the source of faults external applications or embedded modules.
Go to "Start" in reference to Internet Explorer (no built-ins)
Якщо у вікні Internet Explorer відобразиться небудь веб-сторінка, комп’ютер підключений до Інтернет, і джерелом неполадок є один або кілька вбудованих модулів. Для усунення цієї неполадки, можливо, буде потрібно знайти і видалити шпигунське ПЗ (spyware), і видалити всі недавно встановлені рекламні програми (adware) і доповнення браузера.
If Internet Explorer does not display web pages, or the computer attempts to dial to connect, continue to perform the next steps.
To prepare Windows to troubleshooting and solving most of the problems associated with navigation on the Internet, please reset the Internet as follows:
Network and Internet
Opens "Internet Options."
The "Reset" on the "Advanced" tab in the "Options"
A window "Reset Internet Explorer".
Скидання установок Internet Explorer
Follow these steps to test the connection cables, reset the hardware and connect the computer directly to the modem.
Notes. If you're using a wireless connection, its configuration can be done later, after it is determined that your computer connects to the Internet is possible with a direct network cable connection.
Cables to connect the DSL-or cable modem to the computer
1 - Network cable RJ45 - Cat5/Cat6.
2 - Telephone cable RJ11. Do not use this cable to connect to your computer.
3 - Special telephone cable with 6 conductors. Do not use this type of cable.
4 - Cable USB.
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