List of keyboard shortcuts, and their combination in Windows 7 and XP, combination of shortcuts.
List of keyboard shortcuts in Windows
CTRL C: Copy
CTRL V: вставка
CTRL Z: undo
DELETE: delete
SHIFT DELETE: delete the selected item permanently without placing it in the cart
CTRL and dragging of an object: copying selected object
CTRL SHIFT with drag and drop an object: create a shortcut to the selected item
Key F2: rename the selected object
CTRL RIGHT ARROW: Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next word
CTRL LEFT ARROW: Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous word
CTRL DOWN ARROW: Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next paragraph
CTRL Up arrow: Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous paragraph
CTRL SHIFT arrow keys: the selection of the text
SHIFT arrow keys: Selects multiple objects in a window or on the desktop and select text in a document
CTRL A: Select all the document
Key F3: search for a file or folder
ALT ENTER: View the properties of the selected object
ALT F4: Close the active window or the active program
ALT ENTER: View the properties of the selected object
ALT SPACE: Call the context menu of the active window
CTRL F4: Close the active document in programs which can be simultaneously open multiple documents
ALT TAB: switch between open objects
ALT ESC: Browsing objects in the order in which they were opened
Key F6: rotation of churches viewing interface elements in a window or on the desktop
Key F4: display the addresses in your "My Computer" or Windows Explorer in the browser
SHIFT F10: call the context menu for the selected item
ALT SPACE: Challenge the System menu for the active window
CTRL ESC: call the menu "Start"
ALT underlined letter in the menu name: call the appropriate menu
Underlined letter in a command name open the menu: the command execution
Key F10: Activate the menu bar in the program in use
RIGHT ARROW: Challenge right next menu or submenu
LEFT ARROW: Challenge next menu to the left or close a submenu
Key F5: Update the active window
Key BACKSPACE: view the contents of the folder one level in the directory "My Computer" or Windows Explorer
Key ESC: cancel the task
SHIFT when booting the CD in the drive for the CD: prevent auto-play CD
Keyboard shortcuts for dialog boxes
При натисканні клавіш SHIFT + F8 у вікнах списків зв’язкового вибору включається режим зв’язкового вибору. В цьому режимі можна використовувати клавіші зі стрілками, щоб перемістити курсор, зберігаючи вибір об’єкта. Для налаштування параметрів вибраного об’єкта натискайте CTRL + ПРОБІЛ або SHIFT + ПРОБІЛ. Щоб відключити зв’язний режим, натисніть SHIFT + F8. Режим зв’язного вибору відключається автоматично при переміщенні фокуса до іншого елементу управління.
CTRL TAB: move forward through tabs
CTRL SHIFT TAB: move backwards through tabs
Tab: Move forward through options
SHIFT TAB: move backwards through the options
ALT underlined letter: implementation of the command or selecting the option
Press ENTER: command for the current option or button
SPACEBAR: installing or removing the flag from the field, if the active option is represented by the flag button
Arrow keys: select a button if the active option is included in a group of radio buttons
Key F1: Help Topics
Key F4: display elements active list
Key BACKSPACE: Opens the folder one level up if a folder is selected in the Save As dialog box, or opening a document
Hot keys of a standard keyboard, Microsoft Natural Keyboard
Emblem Windows: opens or closes the "Start"
Emblem Windows BREAK: Challenge the System Properties dialog box
Emblem Windows D: show the desktop
Emblem Windows M: Minimize all windows
Emblem Windows SHIFT M: restore minimized windows
Emblem Windows E: open the folder "My Computer"
Emblem Windows F: Find a file or folder
Emblem CTRL Windows F: Search Computers
Emblem Windows F1: Help Topics Windows
Emblem Windows L: Lock the keyboard
Emblem Windows R: Challenge Run dialog box
Emblem Windows U: Viklik Dispatcher službovih program
Keyboard shortcuts Accessibility
Hold the right SHIFT 8 seconds: Enable and Disable input filter
Left ALT left SHIFT PRINT SCREEN: Enable and Disable High Contrast
Left ALT left SHIFT PRINT SCREEN: Enable and Disable High Contrast
Quintuple pressing SHIFT: Enable and Disable Sticky Keys
Hold NUM LOCK key for 5 seconds: Enable and Disable sound switch
Emblem Windows U: Viklik Dispatcher službovih program
Keyboard shortcuts in Windows Explorer browser
Key END: shift down the active window
Key HOME: switch up the active window
NUM LOCK Key asterisk (*): Display all subfolders of the selected folder
Key NUM LOCK sign "plus" ( ): Displays the contents of the selected folder
Key NUM LOCK sign "minus" (-): coagulation selected folder
LEFT ARROW: collapse the selected item, if expanded, or select parent folder
RIGHT ARROW: Display the selected object, if collapsed, or select first subfolder
Shortcut keys for Character Map
Double-clicking the symbol on the grid of characters, you can move through the grid by using the keyboard shortcuts:
RIGHT ARROW: Move to the right or to the next line
LEFT ARROW: Move to the left or to the end of the previous line
ARROW: Move up one line
DOWN ARROW: Move down one line
Key PAGE UP: move up one screen at a time
Key PAGE DOWN: move down one screen at a time
Key HOME: jump to start of line
Key END: the transition to end of line
CTRL HOME: Go to the first character
CTRL END: Go to the last character
SPACEBAR: switch between zoom and normal view selected character
Keyboard shortcuts for main window management console (MMC)
CTRL O: Opens a saved console
CTRL N: Opens a new console
CTRL S: save the open console
CTRL M: Adding and Removing Object console
CTRL W: Opens a new window
Key F5: Update the content of all console windows
ALT SPACE: call menu "Window" Management Console (MMC)
ALT F4: closes the console
ALT A: call the menu "Action"
ALT V: call the menu "View"
ALT F: Challenge "File" menu
ALT O: call menu "Favorites"
Keyboard shortcuts for Windows Management Console (MMC)
CTRL P: Print the current page or active region
ALT sign "minus": call menu "Window" active console window
SHIFT F10: call context menu "Action" for the selected item
Key F1: Opens the Help topic (if any) for the selected object
Key F5: Update the content of all console windows
CTRL F10: minimize the active console window
CTRL F5: restoring the active console window
ALT ENTER: Challenge Properties dialog box (if any) for the selected object
Key F2: rename the selected object
CTRL F4: Close the active console window when a console has only one window, this shortcut closes the console combination
Remote Desktop
CTRL ALT END: Dialog Box Microsoft Windows Security
ALT PAGE UP: Switch between programs from left to right
ALT PAGE DOWN: Switch between programs from right to left
ALT INSERT: moving between programs in order of last used
ALT HOME: call the menu "Start"
CTRL ALT BREAK: Switch the client computer between a window and full screen mode
ALT DELETE: виклик меню «Windows»
CTRL ALT sign "minus" (-): all rooms snapshot client window area on the clipboard on the terminal server (action similar keypresses ALT PRINT SCREEN on a local computer)
CTRL ALT sign "plus" ( ): space snapshot of the active window client area of the Clipboard to a terminal server (action similar keystroke PRINT SCREEN on a local computer)
Navigation in the Web browser Microsoft Internet Explorer
CTRL B: Opens the Organize Favorites window
CTRL E: Opens the panel "Search"
CTRL F: Launch Search Utility
CTRL H: Opens the log panel
CTRL I: Opens the selected panel
CTRL L: Opens the Open dialog box
CTRL N: launch another instance of the browser with the same Web address
CTRL O: Opens the Open dialog box, similar to that of CTRL L
CTRL P: Opens the Print dialog box
CTRL R: Update the current Web page
CTRL W: Close the current window
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