Every Mac's software is developed by the same company that made it. So you get a system where everything works perfectly together. Despite all its reliability, sometimes reinstalling Mac OS X in Uzhhorod is simply necessary. This happens in cases where your computer slows down a lot because the operating system is overloaded. It should also be done if a software crash occurred or system files were found to be damaged, after a hard drive failure, or due to the need to install a different version of the Mac OS.
Most users buy a new computer with Windows already installed, but sooner or later there comes a time when you need to reinstall the system again. In addition, you may face the fact that it is necessary to reinstall not only the system itself, but also correctly configure additional programs. We offer installation of licensed Windows on a personal computer, as well as consultations and recommendations on choosing the version of Windows optimal for your requirements and PC capabilities;
Allow us to remind you that data archiving is necessary in order to increase free space on the hard disk, because too many different programs can cause your computer to slow down or freeze. Data archiving makes it possible to save a large amount of information on electronic media.
One of the most problematic and frequently failing computer components is the hard drive. This is not accidental - because unlike many components, it has moving parts and uses magnetic disks, which are subject to the action of many factors. One of the most important problems of hard disks is non-working (broken) areas of the disk, which lead to the inoperability of the operating system, programs or simply reduce the volume of the disk and its speed.
We offer you the recovery of deleted files not only from hard drives, but also from other media - flash drives, flash cards. If the files were deleted due to a virus infection, then their recovery may require more time, but even in this case, we guarantee the recovery of the deleted files from the disk in full.
It is not uncommon for a flash drive to have the necessary files deleted, or it is completely formatted, and the data needs to be restored. We successfully perform even the most complex data recovery tasks, working with any flash drives, hard drives, flash drives and other data storage devices.
You have received a sms virus message to your smartphone?
After surfing the Internet, a porn banner appeared, blocking access to the system until you send the code by SMS. This is a fraud in which the attacker demands to send him a paid SMS to allegedly unlock the computer and remove the porn banner from the desktop, Internet browser. You should not send your money to someone, because you will not wait for an SMS with an unlocking code. It is better to contact us, we will remove the porn banner in a matter of minutes.
Існує безліч різних антивірусних рішень і безліч способів їх установки. У першу чергу, ми проведемо роботи по якісному видаленню вірусів, з вашої системи, реєстра, жорсткого диску і оперативної пам’яті. Після цього на вашому комп’ютер буде встановлена надійна антивірусна програма, наприклад: Касперський, Avast, Eset NOD32, Dr. Web, Symantec. У подальшому завантажений антивірусний комплекс буде активуватися разом з операційною системою, виконуючи функцію пошуку в відкриваються файлах і додатках шкідливого коду.