The information and troubleshooting steps for connecting a home network in Windows 7.
Status icon wireless network connection shows no connection
On the network map does not appear connected to networks or Internet
If your computer was previously connected to a home network, but it is not connected to it, follow these steps to try to fix the problem.
Notes. The following steps assume that the network has been configured before.
Check the connection after each step.
If the computer was last connected to the network, it will attempt to reconnect when it detects the wireless network.
Click Network connection in the notification area to verify connections or wireless networks.
If your computer is not connected to the network, click on the line with the name of the network, and then click Disable. Click the row with the name of the required network, click Connect.
If your computer is connected to the correct network, make sure the security settings meet the necessary requirements and have a password to access the network. Center Network and Sharing Center.
Follow these steps to test the connection cables, reset the hardware and connect the computer directly to the modem.
Notes. If you're using a wireless connection, its configuration can be done later, after it is determined that your computer connects to the Internet is possible by direct network cable connection.
Cables to connect the DSL-or cable modem to the computer
1 - Network cable RJ45 - Cat5/Cat6.
2 - Telephone cable RJ11. Do not use this cable to connect to your computer.
3 - Special telephone cable with 6 conductors. Do not use this type of cable.
4 - Cable USB.
Windows 7 контролює підключення до мережі та Інтернет. При виявленні неполадки відобразиться повідомлення про відсутність з’єднання або обмеженому підключенні і буде запитано дозвіл користувача на виконання діагностики неполадки. Натисніть OK, щоб дозволити Windows 7 виконати діагностику і відновити з’єднання.
To manually run diagnostics, do the following:
Right-click the network connection in the notification area on the taskbar and select Troubleshooting. Windows Network Diagnostics tool will check the system for troubleshooting.
Click Start ( ) And type network and sharing in the Search programs and files. In the results, click the icon Center Network and Sharing Center.
Launch of the "Center Network and Sharing Center" from the Start menu
The Center Network and Sharing Center, click the symbol to a yellow exclamation point cross or red
in the "Network Status" to start the "Network Diagnostics Windows".
Network Status
У Центрі управління мережами і загальним доступом в Windows 7 є засіб усунення неполадок мережі та інтернету, яке виконує перевірку на наявність несправностей в мережі і, якщо необхідно, виконує автоматичну корекцію програмних підключень. Використовуйте цей інструмент для перевірки та виправлення помилок підключення наступним чином:
Opens the "Tool to troubleshoot network and the Internet."
Troubleshooter Network and Internet
If the problem persists, go to "Troubleshooter Network and Internet" and then click Network adapter to test the adapter.
Open the dialog "Device Manager" from the "Start" menu
Device Manager - Network Adapters
Enabling hardware LAN
Notes. If the board LAN is not listed, click the menu Action item Scan for hardware changes. If the network adapter is still not listed, restart the computer, then return in the "Device Manager."
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