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Windows 7 License: Pros and Cons

Ліцензійна Windows 7 – це примара світу комп’ютерів. Ми всі про неї чули, але ніхто не бачив. Лише смутні образи в інтернеті і на полицях супермаркетів. Коробка з ліцензійною Windows 7 викликає подив – що це? Хто ці люди, які купують? Вони хворі? На всю голову?

"Well, why, why do I need a license," Despite all this, we ask - and really, why?

But let's put the question squarely, and without hovanok kryvlyan:

Why should I buy a license of Windows 7 if you can download and install for free?

Я не збираюся обговорювати з вами мораль, говорити про те, що якщо завантажити windows 7 безкоштовно, ми порушимо закон, совість і світовий порядок. Все це дурниці. Ми всі прекрасно розуміємо – якщо щось є безкоштовно, то немає ніякої на світі причини, з якої не можна взяти те, що лежить прямо на увазі, під носом. Лежить і кличе “візьми міняючи” …

Адже – халява! Навіщо платити більше? Кому взагалі потрібна ця ліцензія? Ось я, звичайний домашній користувач – йти в магазин, купувати, розлучатися зі своїми грішми заради того, що довгі роки більшість з нас вважає безкоштовним – навіщо? В ім’я чого? “Піду й куплю Windows 7” – звідки така думка взагалі може з’явитися?

Коли ми замислюємося над цим питанням, перший же відповідь очевидна – ліцензія не потрібна. А ви думали, я скажу інакше? Не вгадали. Насправді, ніякі переваги ліцензії не скомпенсіруют те, що Windows може дістатися абсолютно безкоштовно, і буде працювати так само добре, як і ліцензійна версія.

Або? Что-то взагалі можна на це заперечити? Чи є хоч якась причина, по якій захочеться купити ліцензію на Windows? Хоч якась?

I personally answered this question. To my surprise, I found reasons that turned out to be decisive for me. And who turned out to be enough to buy themselves an official Windows, the same "license" that is like the conscience of an oligarch - somewhere there it is ... but neither from friends, nor from friends of their friends, from anyone you will not find a license in the daytime with fire.

Of course, I'm not going to convince anyone and talk like a nightingale about how great it is - licensed Windows 7. Do you want the truth? It is no different from a pirate :) That's it. nothing In general! And despite that, I bought it. am i crazy Oh yeah!

So I just want to briefly list the reasons that led me to this perversion as buying Windows.

1. Peace. Yes, that's the reason) Calm down. At one fine moment, I realized that I was tired of fiddling with cracks, patches, crackers and other methods of activating Windows 7. "What's there to hack," you may object. Really - like nothing special. But we remember what a surprise it was from Microsoft when most of the hacking methods stopped working. We don't know what surprises will come. And I don't want to think about it. Fed up Damn, just let it work right away, put in the key and that's it! And further, all those years that I will sit on this operating system, I will be calm as a tank. Fresh updates - always. Reinstall is not an issue. Heck, I can even call Microsoft's official technical support! And tell them - "Hey, guys, I have a license, I'm cute?" At some point, you just get tired of this fuss about pirates.

2. Self-respect. You can say whatever you want, but for me personally, buying a license is an act. This is for myself personally. You look at the flowery box with the licensed Windows 7, and you think - it's cool! It's a cool tomato tag. Earned, bought, installed - Conceived for my beloved, I did not expect from myself. Yes, when I was a poor schoolboy and an equally poor student, it was unreal. But the institute days have passed, I have been working for several years, and my ordinary, quite inexpensive smartphone costs 3 times more than this license ... isn't it time to give up school habits? It's time for me. And it turned out not to be as expensive as expected. But what is there, the basic version of Windows 7, which has absolutely everything, can be taken for about 100 bucks (about 3000 rubles) - my Razer gaming mouse, to be honest with you, costs more. Buying a pontoon mouse is cool, isn't it? And buy a license? According to internal sensations, it stings even better.

3. Satisfaction. Of course, having bought a license, I am satisfied. But the pleasure is not even in this. And in the opportunity to calmly develop this topic, because having a license, you can get your friends with all your might. And this is a thrill. Have you ever seen the eyes of a friend when he carelessly, as if between the lines, informs you that, they say, "I have a licensed Windows"? Haha, this is a must see. Smiley O_o does not even come close to conveying the expression on his face. The effect is even greater when you say nothing, nothing at all. Just take and put a beautiful flower box with Windows 7 at home. In the most visible place, say on the computer desk. A friend visits you and what does he see? "About ... what is it with you???" The reaction is always different, from shock to complete incomprehension. There will be no indifferent ones. And sometimes it slips into insults, seriously! One friend told me for half an hour that I was "totally screwed up and no one needs these punts with a license." Haha, but you will find out - a license will never leave anyone indifferent.

Well, these three reasons just didn't work for me. I had a ton of fun paying a bit for it - and it was damn well worth it.

What do you want to say in the end? Well, don't buy a license because the greedy evil uncles are threatening on TV and talking about law and order. Let them smoke bamboo. Don't buy to make Bill Gates and other bespectacled people even richer. Let them roll to hell. Don't buy out of fear or any obligation - to whom we owe, we forgive!

Find your reason - your own. Such a reason, very personal, so that buying a licensed Windows (most likely, the first in your life) will bring you a lot of pleasure. I expressed my feelings - you, if you want, can find only yours.

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