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Assembling a computer: what critical errors are often allowed?

Saying that easy to build a computer, you can not. Just like to say that difficult to build a computer.

As with any business, PC assembly should be approached responsibly. And here the proverb is true: "Measure seven times, cut once." In my practice, I have come across many cases of illiterate computer assembly. And these cases were very deplorable for the owners. After such assemblies, motherboards, RAM, and hard drives quickly failed. And it was impossible to look at processors without tears.

In this article, I would like to talk about the four most common mistakes made when assembling a computer. And it doesn't matter if a professional collector did it or a beginner. Both can make such mistakes. So, let's start:

The front USB connectors are not connected correctly.
As you know, there are USB connectors on the front panel of the case, which are connected to the motherboard during the assembly of the computer. Case manufacturers have taken care of their convenient location for the user's comfort - there is no need to climb under the table to connect a flash drive. If they are incorrectly connected to the motherboard, any device connected to such a socket will simply fail. It doesn't matter if it's a flash drive for 500 rubles or a cell phone for 8,000. Therefore, pay special attention to this when assembling a computer. It would be sad to lose the phone due to inattention.

Improperly connected hard drive.
Сучасні жорсткі диски йдуть з роз’ємами SATA. Для його підключення використовується шлейф передачі даних і перехідник для підключення живлення. От як раз при підключенні даного перехідника може статися непередбачене. Хоча на роз’ємі є ключ для правильного підключення, знаходяться умільці, які умудряються підключити роз’єм навпаки. Незважаючи на те, що для такої процедури потрібно докласти чимало зусиль. Як наслідок при неправильному підключенні вигорає плата електроніки жорсткого диска.

Помилка при монтажі материнської плати в корпусі.
Ця помилка трапляється тільки у зовсім недосвідчених. При покупці корпусу комп’ютера в комплекті ви отримуєте так звані гільзи. Вони кріпляться до корпусу, на них лягає материнська плата і прикручується вже до них. Так от, горе-збирачі не використовують гільзи, кладуть материнську плату прямо на залізо і до нього безпосередньо прикручують. Після включення комп’ютера плати найчастіше вигорають. І це в кращому випадку. Буває й гірше.

Inappropriate video card connection.
If the first three errors may require additional costs, then this error is eliminated without any consequences. There are video cards that come with additional power. The mistake is that during assembly they forget to connect the loop of additional power. This is visible when a game is launched - everything slows down and crashes. To solve the problem, you need to open the case and just connect the additional power cable to the video card.

After all the listed causes of problems, it's time to draw conclusions. If you decide to assemble a computer with your own hands, you should pay attention to this. Of course, those who are engaged in assembling computers, so to speak, professionally, make such mistakes less often, but they also have such mistakes.

Therefore, if you buy a computer in a store, ask the seller to check the computer for operational efficiency. Turn it on, see how it works. Run some graphical utility. Check the front USB ports for functionality by connecting any device. Of course, not your own. Let the seller do it. And if something burns, you are here for nothing.

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