How to get rid of Internet addiction? It turns out, is a real dependence on the Internet. Observe their behavior. If you are failing in the morning OK open your eyes and wash, first take your time to your laptop to rather read received e-mail messages or check your account on the social network, then you should not doubt: you've "hooked" on the Internet and have sufficient signs of addiction.
Signs of Internet addiction
The most important indicator that you are Internet-dependent person will be a constant desire to be in the Internet, and not out of need, but just so. You can ten times a day to open mail StWow e-box not because they expect some kind of an important and urgent message, but just as suddenly appear something new? Inspires you even the process of clicking on the keys and in anticipation of something surprising you with enthusiasm again and reopen the electro
nny box.
Sometimes this behavior is impossible to define itself. Listen, if the surrounding people try to pull you out of the "ICQ" into the world of God – this means that virtual communication is almost completely replaces your real human.
When you realize that for you it is easier to arrange their thoughts on paper and send your opponent email than just call it already begin the terrible symptoms of the specified dependencies. You get huge bills to pay for Internet access and electricity, and when together with friends come into the Café, then be sure to ask the waitress whether they have Wi-Fi.
Is it dangerous is the seizure of the computer?
In European countries have been struggling with this problem, there are even specialized centers that help people get rid of the absorbing influence world network. We find a suitable specialist is really difficult. However, Internet addiction is still showing its negative features.
The eyes perceive the all powerful attack screen. No glasses with protective plìvočkami or monitors last generation is not able to fully protect the eyes from physical fatigue. Straining, ocular muscles reduces their elasticity, in the eyes of feeling potrapivšogo sand – it makes itself felt the eyeball, which is already not moistened regularly natural liquid. Ocular vessels do not stand and burst. To eyeballs to relaksuvati hourly rise and see udalinu. Recommended daily zakapuvati eye drops, called "Oftagel′".
Also during prolonged seat near the laptop suffer vertebrates discs, resulting in chronic back pain appear, distortion of posture and scoliosis, get rid of them rather difficult. Prevent similar nepriêmnostâm will help a special bandage that is sold in pharmacies, which will not give back slouch, and shoulders to be in nesimetričnomu State. Don't forget about the active physical movement. It could be fitness classes, swimming, visiting the gym, running and jumping. You'll not only be able to keep health and excellent physical shape of the body, but also to break away for a time from the ubiquitous social networking, electronic mailboxes and returning to real life. Remember that life has play a variety of colors: you should engage in the Affairs of various kinds, which involve thinking and strength, concentration and relaxation, weekdays and holidays, concentration and creativity. Don't forget that a life time runs fast enough, so it should be maximally satisfy the various events. Well, such a unique and bagatoplanovogo can be expected as a result of prolonged sitting at the computer?
And have you noticed that those who for a long time "floating on the waves of the Internet", cease to carefully monitor themselves: why naglažuvati costume, do her hair and makeup done (or shave), if you sit at home, nobody sees you hang with all through the net, zamovlâêš required items home? Because this life and zdičavìti long. Such a person can even forget the rules of propriety and rozučitisâ to communicate with people in the usual way; being invited to visit, he (she) may not always be a good companion, a cheerful guy or kompanìjs′koû girlfriend, preferring to sit in a corner and be bored.
How to get rid of Internet addiction?
Not to become a slave to the World Wide Web, trust that your addiction is an unpleasant reality. Count how many hours a day do you spend in front of the computer and that could get done during this time. This does not mean you have to completely forgo visiting sites and viewing emails, but try to reduce this time to a minimum. Every time you turn on the laptop (computer), put the start and completion of the work on it – so you can really see how much valuable time to absorb the curiosity, boredom and bajdikuvannâ. Try to effectively carry out your every day.
If you don't have enough willpower to self-control, then try to visually draw attention of your brain on this problem. Quite hang stickers with orders to turn off your computer or browse such sites.
If you enjoy in your free time to wander through the spaces of social networking, then ask the administrator of the company where you work, turn off your internet access on your lunch break, honestly confessing to his addiction.
Where do you work at home, try to play on his frugality: how much money will have to pay for the extra time spent online and expended energy.
And it's not really helping? Then, perhaps, you should have a pet, but rather is more to allocate time to care for them (feeding, range, cleaning the cells, the Aquarium, trips to the veterinarian on vaccination, etc). If you wish to spend their "blood", then ask you friends for a birthday present selected živnìst′ – then there is no need to take care. Imagine that our smaller Brothers deliver many pleasant minutes that don't even compare with the sound receipt message in ICQ.
Dependence on the Internet, how to deal?
None of the above does not help, and the animals you just allergies? Then there is another valuable Tip: attend an appointment with the psychologist, have a chat with him to became clear reason you ignore communication, seek to "settle" on the Internet and what specifically you are missing in real life. Do not be afraid, because psychologists would not treat you pills and pricks, and try to deal with the mental complexes. Sometimes people locked themselves through excessive samokritičnìst′ or the same self-doubts, contrived complexes about their mind or appearance.
Try to do something global that can change your whole routine, for example, do the repairs.
Instead message call the person;
Congratulations on his birthday ?? postcard rather than electronically;
Pictures stored in computer memory and go and print in a photo studio;
Do not seek out your favorite artists songs on various websites, and go to the concert and enjoy the performance of a work "live".
Think about it, and how earlier people do without light, electricity, computer? After all, lived and not stupid were. Birth of children successfully studied, well worked, many a ... more Of course, libraries have been queued, and reading rooms were a lot of people, and a virtual space at that time does not exist. Can, and today is not worth your precious time to spend so small-scale life news, daily correspondence and reckless fermentation on millions of sites?
Well that's all about how to get rid of Internet addiction.
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