Огляд Windows 8. What's new in Windows 8? У Windows 8 маса нових можливостей і змін. Але перше, що вам, напевно, кинеться в очі – це новий панельний інтерфейс Metro, який ви можете побачити на представленому нижче скріншоті. Пам’ятайте, що це поки лише Developer Preview, що означає, що робота над операційною системою ще не закінчена, і вам, безумовно, не варто встановлювати її на свій основний комп’ютер як основну систему.
List of new features Windows 8 includes:
In fact, Windows 8 is much more change than we have described.
How do I get Windows 8?
First, you should make sure that your computer is suitable for use with Windows 8. Fortunately, Windows 8 system requirements practically the same as in Windows 7.
It is likely that you will be able to run Windows 8 on a relatively low-powered machine.
Take advantage of touch input requires a screen that supports multi-touch.
It is important to note that to install Windows 8 touch device is required. With this task perfectly cope mouse and keyboard.
Teper, neobhídno Download cheek Windows 8 Developer Preview (. Iso).
Then go to the page and download the Microsoft Store tool USB / DVD Download Tool, which helps to place the downloaded ISO image to a bootable USB flash drive to install - just select the ISO, select your flash drive and wait for the copy.
Огляд Windows 8 Developer Preview
Windows 8 installation process is not very different from Windows 7, so we will not describe it.
Note on installing Windows 8:
Що таке Metro у Windows 8?
Metro - this panel interface is focused on the purity and simplicity and has simple icons and beautiful design that came instead of the usual gray and rozroslyhsya button interface to which we are accustomed.
Багато панелей Metro більше ніж просто завантажувачі додатків. Вони містять живі автоматично оновлювані дані. Так, панель погоди буде автоматично показувати останній прогноз погоди, панель новин буде перегортати останні новини з ваших фідів, соціальний віджет покаже останні фотографії з Facebook, а панель біржі буде автоматично показувати, що зараз воліють бізнесмени з Уолл-стріт.
The first issue of the interface Metro hosted on Windows Phone, and although it is almost ideal for the touch environment, it also works well with keyboard and mouse - though you'll notice that flip through multiple pages using only one mouse is much more tiring than with gestures on the screen.
Opportunities Metro Windows 8:
To call the Metro home screen from any application, simply click on Windows.
The main home screen (Start screen) is also a complete replacement for the Windows 7 taskbar - at any time of the on the main Metro Start screen, you can quickly find any application on your system, just as you could do it
Combined Metro keys
There are a few shortcuts that I use personally.
If you are not on the home screen, then all you need to do - is to press the Windows, to get back at him, and then start typing the name of the program to open it - it's the same set of keystrokes that you would have used before, but
Go back to the main screen Metro, and you can easily move it to items with click and drag the mouse.
При використанні сенсорного інтерфейсу, ви можете робити теж саме за допомогою своїх пальців. За допомогою щипка ви можете навіть віддалити картинку, щоб без скроллінгу побачити всі елементи на екрані. Наскільки ми знаємо, не можна зробити теж саме за допомогою однієї лише миші. Хоча ми можемо помилятися.
When you click in the right pane you will see a check-box - using the touch interface you can push the panel up or down ...
What ... would result in the bottom of the menu screen.
When you click on a normal application, such as Task Manager or the command line, you will also see several other options, like run as administrator, for many system tasks quite useful.
Some panels open up the program in the style of Metro, which are always full-screen weather app Weather can be customized to your location, and you can even attach to your home screen panels weather with a few different locations.
You may have noticed the purple bar on the left side of the screen - it is very important.
Continue to scroll to the left to go to all programs.
Ви можете розмістити дві повноекранних програми на одному і тому ж екрані – зверніть увагу на зелену смугу в центрі двох програм нижче. На лівій стороні знаходяться новини News Feed, тоді як на правій – фото-додаток. Ви можете вибирати, який додаток перебуває з якого боку, і з якого боку екрану має бути “бічний” додаток. Крім того, ви можете вивести програми в співвідношенні 50/50.
Paging gestures to the right side of the screen would result in a different menu, which Microsoft calls "Charms" (Charm).
To call this menu using the keyboard and mouse, you can use the keyboard shortcut Win + C. You can also move your mouse to the bottom left corner of the screen and see the same menu - in fact, it works wherever you are - in the Metro interface or the old taskbar in Windows 7 style.
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